Karen’s Toronto Con Report – Sunday, Jared and Jensen Panel

(Photo courtesy of @wolfling) The MC announced, “Give a nice Toronto Welcome to Jared and Jensen!”  The two came onstage.   JP – Hi Guys JA – Alright! Good turnout. JA – I guess people really do watch the show. JP – I guess so. Thank you guys.   After sitting down Jared started rocking in his…

The Misha Collins Panel at Vancon – Fun With Ducks, Moose, and…Adult Content Warning!

(photo courtesy of @postalpixxie)   Usually at these cons, my favorite panel ends up being the one from Misha.  It’s his dry, berating wit, it’s my kind of humor.  I’m usually in some sort of intense physical pain from laughter once he’s done.  Did anything change at this year’s Vancon?  Not at all.    …

BosCon, or As I Would Prefer To Call It, “Best Day Ever”

BosCon, or as I Would Prefer to Call It, “Best Day Ever” Saturday, 2 pm: My soccer-mom SUV has magically turned into a 1967 black Chevy Impala (due mostly to the fact that I have removed my childrens’ booster seats) and my Supernatural playlist is pumping out of the speakers. Boston, here I come.  It…