“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon – Part One – by sweetondean

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon – Part One – by sweetondean

I need to say straight up, I’m not real good at remembering all the questions and answers at a panel. This is where I need Alice, because she’s great at it! I’m too busy laughing and taking photos! So my con reports are more about the vibe of the thing€¦ I hope that’s cool! Also,…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience

(For those that missed part one, Indoctrination, go here.) I entered the Westin O’Hare lobby early Friday morning, well before silver ticket holders could register.  I didn’t want to be late after all.  What happened over the next three days was better, stranger, more daunting and more exhilarating than anything I had previously imagined The…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

Intro from Alice:   I do love sharing these fan stories when I get them.  I remember when I shared my own story, just when I started blogging for Supernatural back in 2008, I only found the show at the beginning of season three.  I’m stunned how new fans are finding it today, often times…

Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2012: The Jared and Jensen Panel Report

Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2012: The Jared and Jensen Panel Report

(All pictures from Alice Jester – The Winchester Family Business) Sunday for me was the day that wasn’t supposed to happen.  I went to Chicago con by car (a six hour drive) knowing I had to work on Monday, and all the Sunday tickets were sold out anyway.  I bought a Saturday ticket from a…

Time To “Fucus”: Salute To Supernatural Toronto Saturday Report

Time To “Fucus”: Salute To Supernatural Toronto Saturday Report

Toronto Con was my fourth Supernatural con this year.  There does seem to be a risk of the cons all blurring together, but that’s rarely the case.  There’s always something about each con that makes the experience unique and enjoyable.   In this case, I got to meet people that I’ve been dying to meet for…

Salute to Supernatural Toronto 2012: Jared and Jensen Panel Report

Salute to Supernatural Toronto 2012: Jared and Jensen Panel Report

Another Jared and Jensen panel has come and gone, and that means another complete hour of entertainment that a dry recap like what I’m about to share can’t possibly capture.  There’s always too many little gems that happened and too many “you had to be there moments.”  Still, since I was there, a summary will…

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 9: Location Tour (No Spoilers!)

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 9: Location Tour (No Spoilers!)

This article takes you along on the 2012 Location Tour with locations manager Russ Hamilton. While we clearly went to some locations that are being used in season 8 – heck, Supernatural reuses so many locations that it would be impossible to avoid that, and we saw a glimpse of Purgatory at the end of…

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 8: Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles (and a little Richard Speight, Jr!)

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 8: Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles (and a little Richard Speight, Jr!)

(All photos taken by sweetondean) The highlight of the con was, as usual, the panel with Jared and Jensen on Sunday. Both stars were in fine fettle, happy and relaxed, and played off each other with their usual aplomb and impeccable timing. For those fans who waited until the very end of the day, which…

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 7: Richard Speight, Jr. & Matt Cohen, Jim Beaver & Misha Collins

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 7: Richard Speight, Jr. & Matt Cohen, Jim Beaver & Misha Collins

(All photos from sweetondean) I’ve chosen to consolidate the last two panels on Saturday because I didn’t get as many notes from them as from others. The Dick and Matt show was a lot of fun and included some tasty treats. The Jim and Misha panel was less rewarding to me personally because it had…

Bears and Mooses and Jensen, OH, MY! VanCon Report Part 3

Bears and Mooses and Jensen, OH, MY! VanCon Report Part 3

J-Day and Jensen’s Q&A….The Happiest Day Of Them All. (photos by sweetondean) So Sunday arrived. It’d had been an awesome convention so far. I’d run into loads of people I’d met before, had a few nights out with fellow fans and generally had a blast. I’d seen Steve Carlson for the first time and enjoyed…