Caption this! #379

Caption this! #379

Guess who’s back, everyone! I really did miss you all – though I wasn’t really “away” as I jumped in and participated in several CTs these past couple of months because… well it’s just so much darn fun! We’re going to try a new system going forward where Alice and I will alternate contests. So…

Caption This! #378

Caption This! #378

Updated 3/18:  We are running the contest for another week!  So, keep going with your creative captions!   I REALLY need to stop making these so hard!  I’m not sure what happened on Facebook this week, but we didn’t get a single entry.  Ditto for Twitter (not X!).  I do thank our regulars on the…

Caption This! #377

Caption This! #377

Hee, I guess I made last week’s contest a bit too hard?  I knew this would be challenging.  Even I didn’t have anything in mind this time!  We went at least half of the week without a single entry, but I imagine that time was brainstorming time because a few trickled in after that.  Better…

Caption This! #376

Caption This! #376

Happy new week!  Once again, you all have made my job really hard.  The captions for our special President’s Day game were great, so great that I spent quite a long time plugging captions into the chosen screencap to decide which entry worked the best.  After a day of deliberation, we have a winner.  …

Caption This #374

Caption This #374

Man, these weeks just fly right by!  I’m still amazed how impossible my job becomes each week as I go through all the great captions submitted.   I spent a good day deliberating which caption should take this week’s prize.  Ultimately, I ended up picking the one that I initially thought of when I chose…

Caption This! #373

Caption This! #373

Wow, is it that time of week already?  Time flies when you have so many great captions to read… For last week’s contest, choosing a winner was again rather difficult.  While I really loved the references to Lost, Stranger Things, and I believe the film Them, the ultimate winner was an entry that’s timing was perfect…

Caption This! #372

Caption This! #372

Apologies for the slight delay in getting this out.  As for last week’s contest, once again there were too many good entries to choose from!  Put Dean in a pickle and the possibilities are endless.   First, I have an honorable mention.  Sally Phillips Rollins (from Facebook) posted the EXACT caption I blurted out loud…

Caption This! #371

Caption This! #371

Wow, I’m stunned at how many entries we got this past week!  I guess I picked a great screen cap.  Thanks to all that contributed your very creative captions.  Picking a winner this week was near impossible!   I deliberated quite a bit, and found there were two winners, which when put together ended up…

Caption This! #370

Caption This! #370

Third week for me and I’m having so much fun!  As before, we had some creative entries for Caption This! #369.  I did throw a quirky yet tough one at you all.  Stoned Sam isn’t an easy play!  While I was amused by all your entries, one winner did emerge. Congrats Waiting for Aslan!  …

Caption This #369

Caption This #369

Since our conversion to WordPress, I’ve been heavily working on a massive project to fix our archives.  A majority of our older articles were in pretty bad shape, aka bad characters, bad links, and missing images.  I’ve been fixing articles and rebuilding the image galleries during this process and there’s been a happy side effect…

Caption This! #368

Caption This! #368

Happy New Year!  Welcome to our first Caption This! for 2024.  We are drifting into new territory here.  We can start doing captions for any episode we want now since one has been done for every episode for the flagship Supernatural series, The Winchesters spinoff and the Anime series.  We get to start all over!…