Dear Sam and Dean

Dear Sam and Dean

You don’t know me, but I really feel the need to write to both of you.  I know this can’t replace the support and guidance you would seek from Bobby, but there are some things you still need to hear. A few friends and I have been silently observing what you have been going through…

Let’s Discuss: What Is Needed To Make Supernatural Season 8 Great?

Let’s Discuss: What Is Needed To Make Supernatural Season 8 Great?

For our latest “Let’s Discuss” topic, Nightsky has written up a great analysis on her take of season 8 so far and what she hopes to see in the remaining episodes.  It raises many wonderful talking points and gives us plenty to ponder in this small break from new episodes.  What exactly would you like to see for the…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part 2 – The Convention Experience

(For those that missed part one, Indoctrination, go here.) I entered the Westin O’Hare lobby early Friday morning, well before silver ticket holders could register.  I didn’t want to be late after all.  What happened over the next three days was better, stranger, more daunting and more exhilarating than anything I had previously imagined The…



Hi! I’m Nightsky! I’m the Managing Editor, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet Moderator, reviewer and feature writer for The Winchester Family Business! I am also a member of TV Fanatic’s weekly roundtable review of Supernatural.Before joining the Supernatural Family, I worked for 22 years at a global consulting firm, first as a management consultant, then later as the…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

Intro from Alice:   I do love sharing these fan stories when I get them.  I remember when I shared my own story, just when I started blogging for Supernatural back in 2008, I only found the show at the beginning of season three.  I’m stunned how new fans are finding it today, often times…