WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.19 “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.19 “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

Finally! Unanimous love for an episode! All of the WFB writers look for different things in episodes. Some look for canon precision, some for meta meanings, some for brotherly love, and some for great storytelling, yet by all yardsticks, this episode was superb. Robert Berens’ “Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann” was a triumph.

Supernatural VanCon Friday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

Supernatural VanCon Friday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

VanCon. I’ve always wanted to go to this convention above all others (yes, even more than Jus In Bello in Rome!) because it affords the opportunity to interact with Supernatural’s production staff.  In years past, I sat at home enviously reading attendees’ live tweets about actors’ panels and photo ops with Jared, Jensen, Misha or…

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Witch’s Canyon”

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Witch’s Canyon”

As part of my very slow moving project to read all of the Supernatural tie-in novels, I recently completed Witch’s Canyon. This book was released in October, 2007. It was written by Jeff Mariotte, who also wrote tie-in novels for Buffy, Angel, Spiderman, Criminal Minds and Star Trek. Given the publication date, one can assume…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.18 “Meta Fiction”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.18 “Meta Fiction”

Just hours after returning from VanCon, my brain was in a deep, Supernaturally induced, sleep deprived, travel slip stream fog. So what’s the first thing I did this morning? Valiantly tried to host the live tweet of the #WFBRewatch of “Meta Fiction”….before breakfast! My apologies to anyone who was confused when I sincerely asked why…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.17 “Mother’s Little Helper”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.17 “Mother’s Little Helper”

It seems to be vacation week at The Winchester Family Business!! Half the writing staff is in or headed to Vancouver for the Supernatural convention that is happening this weekend! The other half is either on vacation or working so hard in order to take a vacation that everyone’s review is comprised of their “Random…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.15 – “Thinman”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.15 – “Thinman”

It’s ironic. Ghostfacer episodes are supposed to be comic relief, standalone, monster of the week stories. While “#THINMAN” surely qualified as a standalone monster story, the monsters were humans, the comedy was poignantly serious and fans’ reactions to the episode were anything but neutral. You either loved it or hated it. I have to admit,…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”

Supernatural’s episode “The Purge” is packed full of messages. There is subtext about the brothers, about family, about monsters and humanity, and even about weight loss and self-image. All of our original reviews detected many of these messages on the first watch. They are worth revisiting, however, because even though the parallels to the brothers’…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.12,  “Sharp Teeth”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.12, “Sharp Teeth”

Last week we enjoyed the rerun of “Bad Boys”, which was the seventh episode in Supernatural’s 9th season. Typical of hiatus programming, this week The CW skipped ahead several episodes, so instead of following the methodical development of the plots, we jumped ahead to 9.12, “Sharp Teeth”. Unfortunately, the omitted episodes were crucial to all…

Let’s Discuss: How Gadreel and Betrayal Defined Supernatural’s Season 9

Let’s Discuss: How Gadreel and Betrayal Defined Supernatural’s Season 9

Rewatching the first half of Supernatural’s ninth season has thrown into sharp focus how much Sam and Dean changed over the course of this year. In early episodes, we heard Sam say he felt good, better than he had in years. As far as Sam knew, the brothers had cleared the air a bit, and…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Rewatching Supernatural episodes from the beginning of season 9 has been an eye-opening experience for me. Personally, I had not realized how very different Sam and Dean felt and acted before life-changing events soon crush them. It is frankly refreshing to see them smile and talk to each other. Their body language is relaxed and…