Behind the Scenes with the Supernatural VFX Team

Behind the Scenes with the Supernatural VFX Team

Facing forward from left to right: Mark Meloche, the VFX team (seated behind Mark), Theo Devaney and Ryan Curtis (seated, talking to Mark). For the past two years, the Supernatural VFX (Visual Effects) Team has ventured out of their Vancouver studio offices to meet with fans the day after the Vancouver Supernatural convention ends. This…

Threads: Supernatural 10.02 “Reichenbach”

Threads: Supernatural 10.02 “Reichenbach”

Now I know what they mean by a “Devilish Grin”. That is one, scary just-you-wait look! To say that Supernatural’s second episode of the season, “Reichenbach” was a stunning and brilliant hour of television would be an understatement. The episode alternated from making us afraid of Dean, the hero who never gives up and will…

Threads: Supernatural 10.01 “Black”

Threads: Supernatural 10.01 “Black”

First Impressions I really, really liked Supernatural’s season 10 premiere episode, “Black”. I thought it was a fascinating exploration of character, worthy of Supernatural storytelling. From the “Then” montage to the demon, human and angel stories, I hung onto every word of the dialog and every nuance of the acting. Let me share with you…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.23, “Do You Believe in Miracles?”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.23, “Do You Believe in Miracles?”

Supernatural season finales are always intense. Emotionally gripping, they conclude many of the myth arcs of the season, and leave us gasping at some final scene that hopefully ensures the entire audience returns next season. “Do You Believe in Miracles”, the season 9 cliff-hanger, delivered possibly the most shocking final two seconds of the series…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.22 “Stairway to Heaven”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.22 “Stairway to Heaven”

I love Supernatural. Let me start out by stating that for the record. I also generally liked season 9. In my opinion it added several very good episodes to what was already an outstanding series. I have been interested in the plot lines – all the plot lines – this season. The casting, acting, directing…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.21 “King of the Damned”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.21 “King of the Damned”

It was hard to choose a banner picture for this episode. Was the episode about the appearance of Gavin, and all the far reaching implications of Crowley having a son? There was certainly a lot of time spent on the development of this new character. Alternately, was the episode about killing Abaddon? This was a…

Supernatural VanCon: “M” Day! Part 2 – Misha!

Supernatural VanCon: “M” Day! Part 2 – Misha!

Part 1 of my report on “M” day (aka Saturday) at the Vancouver Supernatural convention featured the indomitable Mark Sheppard, plus Tahmoh Penikett, Matt Cohen and the myriad of other guests who had shared Friday’s fun with us. Saturday afternoon’s fun began with a splash, watching Gil McKinney and Matt Cohen get wet for the…