Threads: Supernatural 14.13 “Lebanon”

Threads: Supernatural 14.13 “Lebanon”

 Three Weeks Later How many times have you rewatched Supernatural’s 300th milestone episode “Lebanon”?  In a rare alignment of the planets, all three Winchester Family Business reviewers – Alice, Nate and I – had virtually the same opinion of the episode. We overwhelmingly loved the family reunion with Papa Winchester. We loved the reconciliation between…

Supernatural “Nihilism” Easter Egg Hunt: Rocky’s Bar!

Supernatural “Nihilism” Easter Egg Hunt: Rocky’s Bar!

Supernatural 14.11 “Damaged Goods” left much of the Supernatural family devastated, frantically worried about Dean. Since we can’t do anything but wait and worry until we learn how Sam and Castiel will save Dean, let’s lighten the mood a bit and have some Supernatural fun! In Supernatural‘s 14.10 “Nihilism”, the archangel Michael locked Dean into…

Threads: Supernatural 14.11 “Damaged Goods”

Threads: Supernatural 14.11 “Damaged Goods”

The Morning After Depressing. Deeply disturbing. Defeating. Get the drift? Supernatural’s 14.11 “Damaged Goods” was a superbly written story that seamlessly wove together Nick’s story of insanity with Dean’s resignation to the insane idea of burying himself alive, alone, at the bottom of the ocean for all eternity with an enraged archangel mentally and emotionally…

Threads: Supernatural 14.10 “Nihilism”

Threads: Supernatural 14.10 “Nihilism”

The Morning After Exciting and brilliantly executed. Supernatural’s 14.10 “Nihilism” was another superb chapter in season 14’s story. Jensen was absolutely outstanding, presenting such a chilling and overly-confident Michael that there was no trace of Dean in the face we’ve lovingly obsessed over for 14 years. Thankfully, all the other characters got to play smart…

Dear Meredith: Supernatural Threads 14.08 “Byzantium”

Dear Meredith: Supernatural Threads 14.08 “Byzantium”

Dear Meredith, Thank you for a stunning, emotionally captivating “Byzantium”. My recent “Threads” review of 14.05 “Nightmare Logic”  praised your talent, as evidenced by the exceptional episodes you had written for Supernatural. “Byzantium” confirms your place on the list of the series’ best writers.

Supernatural Psychology: Exclusive Interview and Fandom Chat

Supernatural Psychology: Exclusive Interview and Fandom Chat

What happens when two psychologists get together to analyze Supernatural, in all its complex, co-dependent, traumatizing glory? A new book is written on the subject, of course! In November of 2017, Supernatural Psychology: Roads Less Traveled was released by Sterling Publishing, the originator of the Popular Culture Psychology series of books. The book is the joint project of…