Entertainment Weekly’s Supernatural Cover Shoot – Updated!

Entertainment Weekly’s Supernatural Cover Shoot – Updated!

It’s been an abundance of riches this week for Supernatural fans!  Entertainment Weekly‘s Samantha Highfill and photographer Peggy Sirota took Jared, Jensen and Misha to a mountain top in Malibu, California for what has become the most amazing stream of high energy, high emotion photos ever gifted to fans!   The Entertainment Weekly Cover Shoot On…

Musical Anatomy of a Superhero: Interview with Hollywood’s Renowned Genre Composers

Musical Anatomy of a Superhero: Interview with Hollywood’s Renowned Genre Composers

One of the amazing dynamics of San Diego Comic-Con is the access that fans have to the superstars of the entertainment industry. Panels offer fans a chance to ask questions of the otherwise inaccessible lead actors and behind-the-camera creative teams of the most popular movies and television shows. Through press rooms, private media outlets can…

Supernatural Stars Provide Musical Interlude for Fans

Supernatural Stars Provide Musical Interlude for Fans

The social distancing and stay at home orders that are separating Supernatural fans from their friends and family are also keeping fans from interacting with the Supernatural cast and one of the fans’ beloved bands, Louden Swain. To ease the isolation and provide emotional support during these stressful times, the members of Louden Swain –…

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

The Morning After Now that’s more like it! Supernatural‘s “Destiny’s Child” engaged the imagination. There was mystery, emotion and plot development. Granted, some of the new canon that was introduced to advance our heroes’ plights required a massive suspension of disbelief, but at least the episode mostly made sense and was super fun to watch!…

Let’s Discuss: Should Chuck be The Monster at the End of this Book?

Let’s Discuss: Should Chuck be The Monster at the End of this Book?

In Supernatural’s season 4, Sam and Dean’s battle with things that lurk in the dark introduced the ultimate meta storyline. Entitled simply, “Supernatural”, a book series written by Chuck Shurley predicted every detail of the brothers’ lives – jobs, relationships, events, even what they would say to each other while driving down the road in…

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 4

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 4

Robbie Thompson is widely considered by Supernatural fans to be one of its most creative, talented writers. From 2011 to 2016 (seasons 7 through 11), Robbie wrote 18 episodes, including the series’ milestone 200th episode (“Fan Fiction” 10.05), and co-produced a total of 94 hours of the series. His beloved characters and imaginative plots forever…

Ending one Supernatural Journey… and Beginning Another

Ending one Supernatural Journey… and Beginning Another

Editor’s Note: As the end of Supernatural approaches, each member of the SPNFamily must deal with the emotions generated by this change in their own way.  A few weeks ago, The WFB published a beautifully empathetic, therapeutic visit that our writer Gail envisioned having with Sam, Dean and Castiel as she struggles to accept losing them….

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 3

Exclusive Interview with Robbie Thompson: A Supernatural Memoir from B. G.’s Canteen – Part 3

Robbie Thompson is widely considered by Supernatural fans to be one of its most creative, talented writers. From 2011 to 2016 (season 7 through 11), Robbie wrote 18 episodes, including the series’ milestone 200th episode (“Fan Fiction” 10.05), and co-produced a total of 94 hours of the series. His beloved characters and imaginative plots forever…

Threads: Supernatural 15.10 “The Heroes’ Journey”

Threads: Supernatural 15.10 “The Heroes’ Journey”

The Morning After On the surface, Supernatural’s “The Heroes’ Journey” was a hilarious break in the intensity of the brothers’ lives, watching Sam and Dean fumble and bumble around like two extremely uncoordinated buffoons in a bunker! It was also a delightful goodbye to Garth, who got to save the day and live happily ever…

Threads: Supernatural 15.09 “The Trap”

Threads: Supernatural 15.09 “The Trap”

The Morning After I’m excited to explore the implications of Supernatural’s 15th mid-season premiere, “The Trap”! It answered many questions, but the pursuit of those answers raised many intriguing issues – philosophical, mythological and logical in nature. The episode was also an emotional ringer. Brilliantly acted by all involved (need I mention Jared, Jensen, Misha…