Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Director & Screenwriter of “Driven (2019)”

Behind the Scenes: Interview with the Director & Screenwriter of “Driven (2019)”

Hey, everyone! I recently had the opportunity to sit down (virtually) with director Glenn Payne and screenwriter/actress Casey Dillard, producers of the movie Driven. Released in 2019, Driven stars Supernatural favorite Richard Speight, Jr. as Roger, a mysterious passenger who is driven through the night to carry out an unknown mission. After thoroughly enjoying the movie, and…

Nate’s Movie Review: Richard Speight, Jr’s “Driven”

Nate’s Movie Review: Richard Speight, Jr’s “Driven”

At the behest of my editors at The Winchester Family Business, and because I admitted that it held some interest for me as a movie I might enjoy, I threw myself on this grenade and rented the film Driven from Amazon. DRIVEN (released in 2019) Director: Glenn Payne.  Writer: Casey Dillard.  Starring: Richard Speight, Jr….

Supernatural’s Agent Henriksen – A Formidable Foe

Supernatural’s Agent Henriksen – A Formidable Foe

In the premiere episode of Supernatural, Dean taunts some local police officers. When rebuked by Sam, Dean says, “They don’t really know what’s going on. We’re all alone on this.”  It is thus with a bit of poetic irony that when special agent Victor Henriksen first confronts Dean on the phone in episode 2.12, “Nightshifter”…

Editor’s Choice Awards – Supernatural “Caption This” Game 101-200

Editor’s Choice Awards – Supernatural “Caption This” Game 101-200

Yes it’s that time again!  If you’re new around here, as part of the fun around this site, I run the weekly “Caption This” contest (see here for our extensive archives). The rules are pretty simple: I pick a frame from a Supernatural episode, and then YOU pick some words to go with it. The words can be…