Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 3)

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 3)

Like many in the fandom I was… less than pleased with the final season of Supernatural. As the challenge goes: Do you think you can do better? So last year I completely rewrote the final 3 episodes of the season in my extended fan fic “With or Without You”, yet I still find my mind turning…

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 2)

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 2)

Like many in the fandom I was… less than pleased with the final season of Supernatural. As the challenge goes: Do you think you can do better? So last year I completely rewrote the final 3 episodes of the season in my extended fan fic “With or Without You”. Yet I still find my mind…

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 1)

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 1)

Did anybody ask for this? I think someone did. Rewrites can be quite easy to do: Just pick any point in a story and proceed forward. The challenge is that if you end up rewriting too much, why not just put in that last 2% of effort and finish making something wholly original? I find…

Supernatural “Caption this! #300” Extravaganza – THE WINNERS!

Supernatural “Caption this! #300” Extravaganza – THE WINNERS!

300. That is a lot! By the time Supernatural filmed it’s 300th episode, it was season 14! Jack had joined the cast and Jeffrey Dean Morgan came back for a touching reunion. 300 caption contests later, The Winchester Family Business is talking about Walker, doing retro Supernatural reviews, and still having a laugh at our…

Editor’s Choice Awards – Supernatural “Caption This” Games 201-300

Editor’s Choice Awards – Supernatural “Caption This” Games 201-300

WHERE IT ALL BEGAN From the beginning, our great and merciful overlord Alice Jester had been having fun tossing captions onto scenes from our beloved show. When I came on board, of course I loved them as she and I have similar senses of humor. So I gleefully contributed some of my own when inspiration…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 14

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 14

Welcome to the conclusion of my vision of how Sam and Dean fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 13

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 13

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 12

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 12

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…