Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.10- “Road Trip”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.10- “Road Trip”

The first half of season nine explored Castiel’s experience as the new Adam, the fall of angels from Heaven, and the aftermath of the Trials—particularly that of Dean allowing Gadreel to possess his brother, Sam. We watched each of these stories reflect or weave around a particular center—the Garden of Eden and the Fall of…

Twelve Reasons to Have “A Very Supernatural Christmas”

This time of the year is filled with various holiday traditions. There’s meals to share, treats to bake, presents to buy—and, of course, an endless list of holiday specials to watch. Everyone has their select favorites. But what about us Supernatural fans? After all, our show is a horror/sci-fi/fantasy show. It’s not exactly tailored to…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

The Garden of Eden has played a beautiful backdrop to the season storylines—and in “Holy Terror,” we realize that it has been the epicenter for which all the stories revolve around elegantly. The Garden and the Fall have been laced throughout the episodes leading up to this one in very particular ways. Supernatural wisely uses…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.07- “Bad Boys”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.07- “Bad Boys”

From the very start, Supernatural has taken the art of the ghost story and elevated it to something more profound. The series may have started as a horror show, but it is the depth they place in their ghost episodes that take it to the next level. Instead of just focusing in on the thrills…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.06- “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.06- “Heaven Can’t Wait”

So far, season nine has been about the human condition. Supernatural has explored it in various and powerful methods throughout its history, but in this episode it is a vibrant thread. Normally, we explore this through Sam and Dean themselves—but the show takes advantage of the supernatural characters available to them—here a former angel and…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.05- “Dog Dean Afternoon”

No other show tackles the wacky and tongue in cheek the way Supernatural does. We’ve had talking suicidal teddy bears, alternate realities where the show is a show, microwaved fairies, and an angel turned into a toy. We’ve had drawings of children come to horrific life—and unicorns with rainbows. Supernatural takes risks that allow it…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Supernatural never shies away from the meta-fictional—and “Slumber Party” takes that tradition to new heights. Ever since the Tulpa hunt in “Hell House,” the acknowledgment that Supernatural is indeed fiction has been toyed with and brought to the forefront. It is a tongue in cheek addition and an open discussion on the nature of story….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.03 – “I’m No Angel”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.03 – “I’m No Angel”

The third episode takes the threads of the young season and blends them into a complex and emotional story. On one hand, we have Castiel coping with being rendered human, and on the other we have the brothers dealing with the fall out from the fallen angels while trying to find their former angel friend….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.02, “Devil May Care”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.02, “Devil May Care”

The second episode of the ninth season of Supernatural shows us exactly why this show has endured and thrived for this long. Originally, the series was billed in the horror genre—filled with monsters and ghosts and gore galore. The goal was to explore what goes bump in the night and to investigate what frightens us…