Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.3 “Soul Survivor”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.3 “Soul Survivor”

Disease has consumed the headlines in the last month—from the Ebola outbreak to the Enterovirus 68—and as a result we’ve seen fear and concern ratchet up for the nation’s safety, security, and health. But our fear dates much father back. Our fear of disease is perhaps one of our oldest—along with a fear of the…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.02 “Reichenbach”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.02 “Reichenbach”

The monsters, demons, angels—and hunters—that populate the rich world of Supernatural excite, entertain, and thrill us each week. But its what they represent that keeps us coming back. Dig deeper, and we can see that each one captures a facet of ourselves. They can represent our hopes. They can represent our fears. They can represent…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.1 “Black”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.1 “Black”

Marked by cataclysmic upheaval, Supernatural season nine culminated in massive earthquakes. Each one has reshaped the landscape forever. We saw it in the finale on every level—and now we’re seeing its aftershocks in the season ten opener. As the earthquakes reverberate from the center, we see them ripple through each and every character on Supernatural….

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Supernatural Season Four DVD Special Features

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Supernatural Season Four DVD Special Features

Post Writer’s Strike, season four returned to the standard 22-episode schedule—and along with that special features like deleted scenes and commentaries came back, too. There’s also an extra titled “The Mythologies of Supernatural: Heaven to Hell—3 Section Featurette Gallery Bridging Heaven, Purgatory and Hell to Examine Key Mythological Precepts”. While season three’s sparse extras tackled…

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Season Three Special Features

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Season Three Special Features

Much like Supernatural’s season three itself, the special features are a bit short thanks to that Writer’s Strike. There’s a lack of deleted scenes and commentary—and there’s no special Blu Ray exclusive features. What’s there, though, are illuminating and fascinating looks behind the scenes. We’re allowed to glimpse further into various episodes, to see more…

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Supernatural Season Two Special Features

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Supernatural Season Two Special Features

In the last installment of “Go Beyond the Gag Reel,” we examined the special features of season one. It covered everything from the deleted scenes to the commentaries to the special additions only found on the Blu Ray set—in particular the Devil’s Road Map and the Paley Fest Panel. It gave us a chance to…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.23- “Do You Believe In Miracles?”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.23- “Do You Believe In Miracles?”

The second half of season nine introduced two formidable weapons. Each one had its strengths, weaknesses, and consequences. Each were taken up by their respective characters as a means to an end—to fill in the “I did what I had to do” piece of the over all season puzzle. These weapons shaped not only the…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.22- “Stairway to Heaven”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.22- “Stairway to Heaven”

The first half of season nine built itself elegantly around the serpent in the Garden of Eden and the Fall of Man. We saw several incarnations—from Gadreel to Metatron to the Fall from Heaven to Castiel’s bout as a mortal. Each serpent infected a particular Garden and set in motion consequences still rippling outward. It…