Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

  Strip away the falling angels, the demons, and the Demon Trials and we are left with a story about seeking redemption. It is this aspect that makes Supernatural so utterly gripping and powerful each episode—and “Sacrifice” is no different. It’s all about forgiveness. It can be hard won or given freely. Sometimes its both….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.22, “Clip Show”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.22, “Clip Show”

“What’s the line? “Saving people, hunting things. The family business.” Well I think, the people you save, they’re how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you’ve caused… The one thing that allows you to sleep at night – the one thing is knowing these folks are out there….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.21 – “The Great Escapist”

Metafiction. This seems to be Supernatural’s wheelhouse, especially in its own mythology episodes, and “The Great Escapist” is no different. The show often refers to its own skeleton, its existence as story, and that we are indeed watching a show—all the while keeping us engaged and moved by the story transpiring in front of us….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.20 – “Pac-Man Fever”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.20 – “Pac-Man Fever”

There is an old Native American proverb about our inner wolves. One wolf is full of our worst feelings: envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. That wolf also represents our fear. The other wolf is our best feelings: joy, peace, love, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy,…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

One thing Supernatural does best is tug on multiple threads in its story, weaving them together so that each one is essential to the whole. The layers that this provides allows for deep insight into the story and its characters. Each layer adds another texture, another emotion, another clue as to what is being told….

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.18, “Freaks and Geeks”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.18, “Freaks and Geeks”

Hunting has a premise that makes it seem rather simple: supernatural creatures killing humans must be stopped. In theory it’s easy to understand and do. In practice, however, it becomes apparent that there is much more to it than that. It’s dangerous, deadly, and often much more complex underneath the surface. A job may not…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.17, “Goodbye Stranger”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 8.17, “Goodbye Stranger”

Trust has always played a major role in Supernatural. Sam and Dean’s world is perilous and dangerous. There are threats lurking around every corner, and they must be on high alert at all times. Yet, Sam and Dean need to find those they can trust. But who? In “Goodbye Stranger,” the brothers have to choose…