Thoughts on Supernatural 12.06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

Like much of season 12 to date, there is a pleasant classic flavour to Asa Fox without sacrificing original, fresh storytelling along the way. Asa is another character-heady tale, with strong writing and unique insights into the hunter community, all the while bringing together a resilient collection of mother-figures around the Winchesters.

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.01: “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.01: “Keep Calm and Carry On”

Months of waiting in eager, speculative anticipation and I, for one, was not disappointed. As the rock-accompanied recap of the last 23 episodes of the Winchester saga played out, we were left on that dark night in the woods with a stunned Dean and a confused Mary and it’s like no time has passed since…

Supernatural Old v New: Part Two – Sam and Dean’s Motivations and Desires

Supernatural Old v New: Part Two – Sam and Dean’s Motivations and Desires

  Initially, I began looking at Sam and Dean separately when it came to their motives and desires: two wholly individual pieces on two different men. As time went on, however, it became increasingly apparent that you can’t readily examine one without the other present because as we well know – the Winchester brothers are…

Retrospective Thoughts on Supernatural 11.16 – “Safe House”

Retrospective Thoughts on Supernatural 11.16 – “Safe House”

Safe House was a great welcome back after a long hiatus when it first aired. It offered old friends, a fresh case, interestingly transitioned flashbacks and simple but unique Monster of the Week all for a good story and a perfect, timeless spotlight on the connection between Bobby Singer and his boys.

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

In retrospect, this episode has some disappointments that won’t ever payoff as fully as they tease. On first viewing, however, without knowing what direction the season will ultimately end up and how our character’s storylines will finally payoff, “Love Hurts” has some satisfying moments of character and story. Let’s start at the beginning.