Thoughts on Supernatural 13.01: “Lost and Found”

Thoughts on Supernatural 13.01: “Lost and Found”

Aaaannndddd we’re back! Right, exactly where we left off, Supernatural picks up in the heart-shredding, creepy moment that it left us oh, so many months ago to learn what exactly happens when a Nephilim enters the world with the Winchester brothers there to bear witness. Hint: chaos, drama and pain. The premiere of season thirteen…

Retrospective Thoughts on Supernatural 12.16: “Ladies Drink Free”

Retrospective Thoughts on Supernatural 12.16: “Ladies Drink Free”

One of the last Supernatural episodes of season 12 that was more formulaic and standard MOTW than big-picture focused, “Ladies Drink Free” was a decent easement back after the March mini-hiatus. Even in retrospect, the episode offered entertainment and drama without too much heady overflow in advance of what the rest of the season would…

Inspiration and Unity: The Power in “Family Don’t End With Blood”

Inspiration and Unity: The Power in “Family Don’t End With Blood”

Inspiration and Unity: The Power in Family Don’t End With Blood Love can be hard to verbalize. It goes beyond simply the four-letter word or a moment in time. It is an enduring experience that moves us and impacts our world view in ways we never knew possible but can’t possibly imagine changing once we…

12 Years of Big Boss Battles: Supernatural Villainy for the Ages

12 Years of Big Boss Battles: Supernatural Villainy for the Ages “I’m glad, honestly. I’m not saying we bury the thing, I’m saying we just save it for when we really need it. Crowley, Metatron — the big boss fights.” – Sam, 9.22 Stairway to Heaven After twelve seasons of Supernatural – including one heck…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.12: Stuck in the Middle (With You) – In Retrospect

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.12: Stuck in the Middle (With You) – In Retrospect

Rich, riveting, complex and so full of story details and character threads that it’s impossible to make anything of Supernatural’s “Stuck in the Middle (With You)”  in just one viewing. Consequently, my review offers observations from two separate viewings: My original reactions when the episode first aired plus additional thoughts from my hiatus rewatch. These “retrospectives”…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.22 & 12.23: The Season 12 Finale

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.22 & 12.23: The Season 12 Finale

Who We Are and All Along the Watchtower were excellent, both independent and united. Season twelve has had some decent episodes and has been sluggish about some key plots, no question. The payoff here makes the waiting worth it. Between character and story, 12.22 and 12.23 offer not only answers we’ve been looking for but…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.21: “There’s Something About Mary”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.21: “There’s Something About Mary”

While not at all what I expected from where we left off last week, There’s Something About Mary was, simply put, too short an episode that left me anxious and salivating for both karmic twists and conclusions. Typically by this point of the season there are so many things aligning and pieces being revealed to…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes

Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes had all the perfect ingredients and knew exactly how to blend them in the perfect storm of an episode. Excitement, emotion, drama, cliffhangers and action, 12.20 delivered a quick-moving storyline and left this audience member surprised to see the forty-two minutes were gone already, exceedingly pleased with how it…