What the Winchester Family Business Means to Me

***HAPPY THOUGHTS ONLY ZONE – NO NEGATIVITY PLEASE*** In light of the recent controversial mudslinging about this site and even our intrepid leader, I felt it was time to reflect on what the Winchester Family Business is truly about. I stumbled upon Alice ‘s episode reviews the summer between season three and four and followed her from…

Significant Mothers of Supernatural Part Two:  The Surrogate

Significant Mothers of Supernatural Part Two: The Surrogate

Significant Mothers of Supernatural Part Two: The Surrogate (For Part One: One-Hit Wonders go here.) The Winchester Brothers have had their share of loss. Their family has never been large, forged more in arms than in blood, to be sure. From the first moment that the boys meet her, in her own way Ellen adopts…


Elle is a dedicated Supernatural lover who has carted her beloved and well-worn SPN DVDs around the world and back  many time since discovering Supernatural on her journey to replace the other love of her life, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Devoted to the WFB from the start, Elle is thrilled to have a place to share theories, rambles and…