2011 Daily Supernatural Motivational Posters

They’re back!  By popular demand, and because we desperately need these to get through another long Summer Hellatus, Ardeospina is bringing back the Daily Motivational Posters.  Come back here each daily to get your new inspirational message.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll think we’re completely nuts.  We like it that way!  Want to fondly look…

Let’s Speculate:  Season Six Finale and Onward to Season 7

Let’s Speculate: Season Six Finale and Onward to Season 7

Warning!!!!  If you haven’t seen the season finale of “Supernatural,” don’t read this!  Seriously, just back away now because you really want to stay spoiler free for this one, folks.  I’m going to be talking about the cliffhanger ending, among other things, so PLEASE, don’t go any further if you haven’t seen the episode.  …

Let’s Speculate:  “Frontierland”

Let’s Speculate: “Frontierland”

Warning!!!!  If you haven’t seen the latest episode of “Supernatural” and the preview for next week, do not read this!  There is going to be plot-based speculation and discussion! You’ve been officially warned!   Yee-haw!  Cowboy looks good on the Winchesters, wouldn’t you say?  I think that was a really fun episode, even if it…

Visual Review – The French Mistake

And just like that, this Hellatus is almost over.  Huzzah!  Need refresher course as to where we left off?  Well, class is in session with this visual review of”The French Mistake.”  This one was directed by Charles Beeson, a “Supernatural” veteran with 12 episodes under his belt, most notably “Changing Channels,” so you know he’s…

Motivational Messages – “And Then There Were None”

Motivational Messages – “And Then There Were None”

This week’s theme is family.  We’re all about the family.  Those two timing bastards that think just because you share blood you owe them a kidney or something.  Or loyalty.  I mean, really?  Sorry, where was I?  Oh yeah, not many of this week’s motivational posters have anything to do with family.  It’s better that…