Supernatural Casting Spoiler – The Hollywood Reporter

It's not often you get exclusive "Supernatural" casting spoilers from the Hollywood Reporter.  Seems that actress Lauren Tom has landed a key role in an upcoming episode.  Here's the details: "Men in Trees actress and Futurama voice regular Lauren Tom has booked an episode on the CW drama's upcoming eighth season, The Hollywood Reporter has…

Supernatural Moving To Wednesdays Tomorrow (7/25)

We knew the move to Wednesdays was going to happen eventually, and that eventually is tomorrow!  "Supernatural" officially takes residence on it's new night.  The CW will re-air the episodes "Death's Door" and "Adventures in Babysitting" tomorrow night in an all "Supernatural" block.  On Friday, "Nikita" takes over the night getting their own two hour…

My Comic-Con Roundup: More Photos and Stories About “Supernatural” and Other Things

My Comic-Con Roundup: More Photos and Stories About “Supernatural” and Other Things

Here it is a week and a half later and I'm still processing Comic-Con stuff, mostly for TV For The Rest of Us (and perhaps a few other outlets).  For now though, I have several more photos and stories about "Supernatural" and other misc items to share.  No spoilers!  Just pure fun.  ðŸ™‚

Closing The Door on “Supernatural” S7: Alice’s Season 7 Review, aka B Movie Meets Cop Procedural

Closing The Door on “Supernatural” S7: Alice’s Season 7 Review, aka B Movie Meets Cop Procedural

To do a season seven review by now would seem like rubbing salt into old wounds.  However, I never did give it a proper sendoff – and I’m so ready to give it a sendoff.  I want to look fully forward to season eight without so much as a glance in the rearview mirror.  However,…

Jared and Jensen Will Be on MTV’s “10 on Top” Tomorrow! (7/21)

I just got word from MTV that Jared and Jensen will be appearing on Saturday's broadcast (7/21) of MTV's "10 on Top."  They talked to the boys at Comic-Con and according to their rep this is what you can expect: "They said a little about Season 8, we talked about Jared's joke-telling skills and their…