TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 10.19 – “The Werther Project”

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 10.19 – “The Werther Project”

The season is winding down and we’re strangely feeling the love at the Roundtable over at TV Fanatic.  Myself and TV Fanatic writers Narsimha Chintaluri, Carla Day, and Sean McKenna found plenty to like about this episode.  We tackle some other questions too, like will Sam kill Crowley?  For me, it’s not really if he will,…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.19, “The Werther Project” aka Stronger Together

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.19, “The Werther Project” aka Stronger Together

Don’t you just love it when an episode focuses on both brothers and has a plot that equally exposes what’s going on inside those heads of theirs?  Even better, that both brothers are written in character?  Remember when that used to be a regular thing?  My inner fan girl is flailing in happiness.  See, that…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: “Book of the Damned” aka Sam Did What??

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: “Book of the Damned” aka Sam Did What??

No doubt about it, “Book of the Damned” gave our panelists a chance to explore one rather lively debate.  We’re still trying to wrap our heads around what the hell Sam was thinking, what’s really up with newly graced Castiel and his falling apart wings, why Metratron and the Stynes did what they did and…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.18, “Book of the Damned” aka Behind Those Blue Eyes

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.18, “Book of the Damned” aka Behind Those Blue Eyes

“No one know what’s its like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, Behind Blue Eyes…” I’ll throw this out there right now, my inner Sam girl is having full blown seizures of happiness right now.  There are some things that should have me hating this episode, or at least question its…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 10.17, “The Inside Man” aka Be Still My Beating Fan Girl Heart

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.17, “The Inside Man” aka Be Still My Beating Fan Girl Heart

Be still my beating fan girl heart. You are still alive! Just wow, wasn’t “The Inside Man” the breath of fresh air we all desperately needed? One of the biggest disappointments I’ve had with season ten is that everything I watch just feels off. It’s been hard to explain why, but last night reminded me…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.16, “Paint it Black” aka Does the Show Believe in Us?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.16, “Paint it Black” aka Does the Show Believe in Us?

I just don’t know what to say.  There are a few approaches I could have taken for this review.  I could have ranted about how an utter travesty like “Paint It Black” ever made it to air, I could have calmly tried to break down the material we were given and analyze where it all…

Released Today –  Kansas: Miracles out of Nowhere

Released Today – Kansas: Miracles out of Nowhere

Every “Supernatural” fan knows the show’s anthem, “Carry On Wayward Son.”  The season closing staple since season one, the song that epitomizes the struggles and family devotion of the Winchester brothers.  But does every fan know anything about the band that created that song, Kansas, other than they’re from the same state as Sam and…

Guess Who’s Returning To Supernatural????

Laura Prudom from Variety just got the news exclusively and couldn’t wait to share this with her fellow Supernatural fandom.  In the April 1st episode, Jim Beaver will be back!!!  Yes, we are getting Bobby Singer for another episode.  We were only lamenting in this week’s TV Fanatic Roundtable how much we wanted Bobby back. …

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 10.15, “The Things They Carried”

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 10.15, “The Things They Carried”

Another Supernatural episode week, another TV Fanatic Supernatural roundtable.  What’s on our minds this week?  Worms that make us want to puke for one.  We talk about Cole too, and somehow Bobby and Adam are mentioned too, because we can’t forget about Bobby and Adam.  Find out what myself, Sean McKenna, and Narsimha Chintaluri had to…