Arrow to End in Season 8: Time to Campaign for Amell Appearance on SPN?

Arrow to End in Season 8: Time to Campaign for Amell Appearance on SPN?

Here’s some important news coming out of CW land.  Why don’t I share the surprise announcement coming from the show’s star? Playing Oliver Queen has been the greatest professional experience of my life… but you can’t be a vigilante forever. Arrow will return for a final run of 10 episodes this Fall. There’s so much…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.13, “Lebanon” aka “The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants”

The heart wants what the heart wants, no matter what the head says.  Yeah, that’s one of the many takeaways I got from this milestone 300th episode, but this one rings most true as I start this review.  Just like when Dean had a chance to fix his predicament but got what was in his…

Alice’s Review: “Nihilism” aka The Avengers: Apocalypse 2.0

Alice’s Review: “Nihilism” aka The Avengers: Apocalypse 2.0

Well, that was a bit of a humdinger, wasn’t it?  An episode that went deep philosophically yet still had enough to appease the fans, gave the actors something to work with and then ended on a mystery cliffhanger that has since spurned wild speculation among the faithful.  So yeah, I would call it a pretty…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.09, “The Spear” aka Return of the Pod People

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.09, “The Spear” aka Return of the Pod People

(Editor’s Note:  I’m going to send apologies up front.  I know that many of you come here for Nightsky’s “Threads” on Friday and expect a very upbeat spin on things.  Unfortunately, her review must be deferred to next week so you get my two cents first. I don’t like playing the curmudgeon, but “The Spear”…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.07 – “Unhuman Nature”

Well color me surprised…and intrigued.  I will admit it, I’m impressed that these first seven episodes have actually done some careful construction when it comes to unfolding the mythology, as well as paying attention to the character details.  There’s been a little bit to ponder each week and so far I’m not left with the…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.04 – “Mint Condition” aka Time to Slice and Dice!

A funny thing happened on the way to the review and it’s all F. Scott Fitzgerald’s fault.  That and crappy Ohio weather.  Yep, it’s been one of those weeks. Thursday was the first time this season “Supernatural” wasn’t pre-empted by my local CW station by high school football.  Since I had to fill in for…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.02 and 14.03, aka One Step Forward, One Step Back

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.02 and 14.03, aka One Step Forward, One Step Back

I’m just not sure what it is when they do a “Wayward Sisters” themed episode.  The storylines are there, the actors are there, but there’s something that’s not grabbing my attention.  This week was especially disappointing.  Once again, the episode came with promise and fell with a thud.  Don’t get me wrong, “The Scar” wasn’t…