Supernatural Has A New Friend On Thursdays

Tomorrow morning is the upfront presentation for The CW, the last network (really it’s a netlet) to announce their fall schedule.  Reports started coming out late yesterday that a shakeup was planned with Thursdays, and the question was who would be affected, Smallville or Supernatural?  The answer was finally leaked this afternoon.  The answer:  Smallville. …

Supernatural: Biblical Ideas In Dark Melodrama

In my daily check of links, I stumbled upon this one thanks to the Supernatural TV message boards.  This is a MUST read for any serious fan.  It delves into Supernatural’s presentation of biblical theology.  The argument that the show is consistent with Evangelicalism is fascinating.  Give this a read, and we can discuss further…

Alice’s Review – When The Levee Breaks

“If it keeps on raining, levee’s going to break.”   Aside from being a cool lyric in the Led Zeppelin tune “When The Levee Breaks,” it also serves as a perfect metaphor for this week’s episode (as well as it’s title). Sam and Dean’s now busted relationship is a long time coming.  Just like rising flood waters…