Jared and Jensen Panel Report – Salute To Supernatural in San Francisco

Here’s my report on this afternoon’s Jared and Jensen panel at the Salute to Supernatural in San Francisco.  It was a great panel, although a bit more low key than others I’ve seen.  I’m not complaining though by any means.  Here’s the details that I could get while taking notes during the panel, so pardon…

What Episode Have You Changed Your Mind About?

It’s late Monday, I’m busy getting ready to travel to San Francisco this weekend for the Salute To Supernatural convention, and I’m scrambling for topics.  While pouring through the comments and trying to find ideas for a quick discussion, I found NancyL recently commented my ancient article (circa season three) the Five Worst Episodes of Supernatural….

Good News From Our Friends at Support Supernatural

Support Supernatural has released the outcome of their 2010 fundraiser for A Dog’s Life.  I want to personally issue a big congratulations to Lindsay and Heather for all their work and reaching their goal.  Fans managed to come through in the end and I’m so happy for them and A Dog’s Life.  Everybody Wins!  Below…

Supernatural Moments in 2010 That Make Me Smile – Part One

I’m learning something fun.  If an idea worked brilliantly last year, it’s worth repeating!  Last year, as part of my look back at Supernatural in 2009, I recalled several of those little moments that made me smile.  You know, good episode or not, there was at least one tiny moment in each episode that reminded me…

Let’s Speculate: Should Sam and Dean Even Exist?

It’s time to put on our metaphysical hats and we have Bardicvoice to thank for it! In my recap of “Appointment In Samarra” I very briefly touched on the point that the brothers have been knocking down dominoes ever since John made his demon deal for Dean’s life in “In My Time of Dying.” Well, I couldn’t…