Postpone Our Shows? Fandoms Jump Into Action

Updated:  Yikes, I forgot the Twitter hashtags!  If on Twitter Wednesday, use #SupportSPNandSMV.   You know, I see a lot of the bitter part of the Supernatural fandom, but this week, I’m quite in awe.  There’s nothing like a common foe to bring us all together.  After The CW’s surprise yanking of “Smallville” and “Supernatural’s” return…

He’s Not A Robot: A Very Amusing Interview With Misha Collins – SPN Russia

Our good friend Marta at Supernatural Russia managed to score a huge interview, an exclusive with Misha Collins.  As they have done with us in the past, Supernatural Russia is allowing The Winchester Family Business to print the English translation of this interview in its entirety.  The interview in it’s Russian form can be found…

Breaking News: Supernatural Return Postponed One Week, Back Feb. 4th

This is a breaking story but per The CW, Smallville and Supernatural will not be returning tomorrow night, 1/28.  Their returns from winter break have been pushed back to February 4th.  No reason has been given.  Repeats of tonight’s Vampire Diaries and Nikita will air instead.  More info coming as I get it… UPDATED:  Okay,…

Pardon Our Technical Issues – Comment System Crashed

Hello everyone!  It’s been a VERY busy week here at The Winchester Family Business, and as I’m sure a few of you noticed, we’re having some server timeout issues.  Well, after a little investigation, it seems that our overwhelmed commenting module is causing all of that pain.  I’ve had to disable it, so there is…

Supernatural Episode 6.12 – A Special Spoilery Preview

  I got a pleasant surprise yesterday. For the first time this season, I had the honor of getting a special critic’s preview of a Supernatural episode. I saw in it’s entirety episode 6.12, “Like a Virgin.” After watching this episode twice, I couldn’t wait to get online and share details (okay teasers) about what I saw. Then, I started…

A WFB Exclusive: Interview With Supernatural Showrunner/Executive Producer Sera Gamble

Fans of "Supernatural" have been given a rare treat in network television this season.  Very few shows make it to its sixth season, but “Supernatural” has gotten to do more than that.  It's been able to run the planned five year mytharc to conclusion and go from there with something exciting and different.  A reboot.  “Supernatural…

A WFB Confessional: Why I Attend Supernatural Fan Conventions

As I plan my return back to normalcy after this weekend’s Salute to Supernatural convention in San Francisco, it seems right to take some time to share the reason why I put my life in temporary turmoil (as well as this website) and go to these conventions.  After all, I’ve met many of the guests several…