Selected article

Here at The Winchester Family Business, we are most proud of our content.  Rich, intelligent, well articulated, well researched, and well thought out articles that take what may seem like on the surface an interesting TV show and dig into those hidden layers.  Sometimes they’re fun, sometimes they’re tragic, sometimes they’re way out there, but…

Mystery Spot

Dean:  And you think this cheesy ass tourist trap has something to do with it? Sam (frantic):  Maybe it’s the real deal you know, the magnetic fields, spinning space/time or whatever.   Dean:  It all seems a little too X-Files to me. Sam:  Well I don’t know how else to explain it Dean! Dean:  Alright,…

Meet The New Boss

Sam: You want some coffee with that? Dean: It’s six pm somewhere. Sam: We’ve got to hit the road. I mean how are we supposed to get Cass to that lab by freaking 3:59 am? Dean: We don’t. Sam: What do you mean we don’t? Dean:  I mean we can’t bring the horse to water,…

Leviathan Sam and Dean

Leviathan Sam and Dean

  Leviathan!Dean: (eating a cheeseburger) You know he has one of these every day, and in his heart, he thinks they’re almost as good as sex.  This is disgusting.   Leviathan!Sam: (pushing away his salad).  Dead plants with creamy goo.  It’s like eating self righteousness.  I mean you tell me which is worse.  Leviathan!Dean:  I…

Supernatural Moments in 2011 That Make Me Smile, Part Two

Here we go, part two, aka what little bit happened in each episode of season seven that got me smiling?  There are ten of them, one to go with each episode.   For those that missed part one, aka the last half of season six, that can be found here:  As a reminder, these…

Let’s Discuss: What Do You Think of Supernatural Season 7 So Far?

My dear friend Clarissa at TV Overmind a few weeks ago asked me for a write up shortly after “Death’s Door” aired on what I thought of “Supernatural’s” season seven so far.  She asked for comments from several bloggers for the show and came up with an amazing summary on what the overall consensus was…

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Nicknames

The Winchester Family Business Short Attention Span Theater proudly presents a production a long time in the making.  Watch Sam and Dean have fun with each other using their long history of nicknames.  I’m issuing a major laughter alert warning here.  Please keep all liquids away from the keyboard.    {loadposition slideshow12}

Lets Discuss: Who is The Real Dean Winchester?

A few weeks ago I put out the question, “Is Sam Winchester Really Okay?” along with a little analysis that leaned towards the conclusion that while a lot of evidence isn’t there, he probably is due for an upcoming meltdown.  The results were overwhelming, and often explosive.  Opinions were quite scattered.  So how could I not resist…