Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”–Unsure How to Do So

Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”–Unsure How to Do So

My heart is currently residing in my stomach. In a good way. Thursday, I tweeted: Good morning. I’m not quite sure how to feel today. But what I do know is that no matter which way this cookie crumbles, this family will never end. The community that has been built around this miracle of a…

Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit The Earth”–Right in the Feelings

Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit The Earth”–Right in the Feelings

This episode was seriously no joke. Throughout the whole thing, I was constantly surprised, but I also felt like I was right where I wanted to be. It delivered something perfectly Supernatural to round out the arc of the season. I know a lot of people in the fandom have big problems with Brad Buckner…

Supernatural 15.16 “Drag Me Away (From You)”– Flashbacks and Freedom

Supernatural 15.16 “Drag Me Away (From You)”– Flashbacks and Freedom

Supernatural is a show that continually shocks me with its ability to be creative, while still keeping us grounded in the reality of the world. Over fifteen seasons, the show has been amazingly consistent with its world-building and storytelling, and it thrills me that we continue to see that world expand. I’m not quite sure…

Supernatural 15.15 “Gimme Shelter”– Faith and Fury

Supernatural 15.15 “Gimme Shelter”– Faith and Fury

Wow. What an episode. (It just ended as I’m writing this, so I’m still in the midst of processing it.) First of all, Matt killed it. He cradled the story in his hands and crafted something not only emotionally meaningful but visually stunning. I’m super thrilled to know that this masterful episode was directed by…

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

What a fascinating episode. For me, Supernatural episodes fall into one of the following three categories: 1. Essential to the arc of the season 2. Monster of the week 3. Comedy/One-offs (ala “The French Mistake”) This episode was kind of, sort of, all three mixed up into one. It’s thrown me for a loop a little.

Supernatural 15.12 “Galaxy Brain”–The Stupid Right Thing

Supernatural 15.12 “Galaxy Brain”–The Stupid Right Thing

Wow. I am writing this moments after finishing the episode and I am completely and utterly floored. No show I watch could nail an episode with as complex moral, personal, and human issues as well as Supernatural. It is entrancing to see how the writers, actors and crew work together to create something that is…

Supernatural 15.11 “The Gamblers”– Lady Luck and Being Heroes

Supernatural 15.11 “The Gamblers”– Lady Luck and Being Heroes

What an episode. I’ve mentioned before that some of my favorite episodes of Supernatural are the ones where we get to see the Winchesters being their competent and confident selves, and this episode was a perfect example. I thought the episode was properly structured, focusing primarily on the Winchesters, whilst also moving our story forward with Jack…