A Special Wish List

Once again it’s that time of year With the spreading of good will and holiday cheer. Where the fresh fallen snow blankets the ground, And multi-coloured lights are lit up all around. A picturesque scene of decorated homes and trees, Gives an essence of Peace in moments like these. And during this time there are…

Supernatural Bingo – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Supernatural Bingo – “How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters”

Scared of monsters dwelling in the deep woods?  Then you might be playing Supernatural Bingo tonight with one eye open.   Just like with the other weeks, the answers are all based on guesses, but some results are just a given no matter what.  Play one card, or if you’re ambitious play all five.  You…

Supernatural Bingo – “Season 7 – Time For A Wedding”

Supernatural Bingo – “Season 7 – Time For A Wedding”

Don’t you just love weddings?  Then you’ll love Supernatural Bingo – The Wedding Edition!   Just like with the other weeks, the answers are all based on guesses, but some results are just a given no matter what.  Play one card, or if you’re ambitious play all five.  You not only get to yell Bingo…

Karen’s Toronto Con Report – Sunday, Jared and Jensen Panel

(Photo courtesy of @wolfling) The MC announced, “Give a nice Toronto Welcome to Jared and Jensen!”  The two came onstage.   JP – Hi Guys JA – Alright! Good turnout. JA – I guess people really do watch the show. JP – I guess so. Thank you guys.   After sitting down Jared started rocking in his…