Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.16 – “Safe House”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.16 – “Safe House”

Welcome to “Memorable Moments”. Each week I will visually recap what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from that episode. The list may vary from week to week, depending on what has transpired in that particular episode. Side note: With this article I’m doing something different this week. Some of the categories…

Auld Lang Syne: Karen’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Auld Lang Syne: Karen’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Editor’s Note: The Winchester Family Business writing team wanted to do something very special for this year’s holiday season so we put together a new article series for your enjoyment. It’s called Auld Lang Syne, which means ‘Times Long Past’. The traditional New Year’s Eve song tells us that old friends should be remembered and…

Supernatural’s Brotherly Moments Part 4: Chick Flick Moments

Supernatural’s Brotherly Moments Part 4: Chick Flick Moments

When I started this series of articles, I tried to make a “Top Ten” list but picking out just ten “Broments” was simply not possible. Then I also had to ponder what justifies a Brotherly Moment.  To me it was more than just the heart to heart, hugging, emotional  moments. I also felt the pranks,…