Thoughts on Supernatural 12.17: The British Invasion

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.17: The British Invasion

This was a mixed bag of emotions and events leaving “The British Invasion” to rank somewhere in the middle as an episode. While there were some interesting new pieces of information and scenes about characters including the BMoL, and some fine humour from Lucifer, a collection of, well, near-ridiculousness (unintended, presumably) were a bit too much in…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.14: “The Raid”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.14: “The Raid”

Oh, 12.14, I barely have the words to say how much I loved you! Prepare yourselves, dear readers, because the next several paragraphs are, largely, a love letter to this most recent episode. Truly, The Raid was an exceptional combination of storytelling, acting, and cinematography that came together at an ideal just-past-midway point in the…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

This was a pretty successful, general episode. Nothing overtly flashy while also addressing some lingering issues and hopefully propelling the plot forward into the final, dramatic pieces of the season. It wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. Parenting runs amok of emotions and Lucifer casts shadows over everyone; in the end it comes down to…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.11: “Regarding Dean”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.11: “Regarding Dean”

Memory loss and new beginnings. Power – good, bad and everything else. Who are the Winchesters? This was all fun, intriguing and just enough emotion without being wholly overwhelming. This week, Supernatural offered witches without benefit of the usual guts and gore and instead we were privy to a more psychological dramedy. And for the…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.10: “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.10: “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets”

Point for point, this episode had a bit going for it in the back half: characters, actors, history. On the other hand, some interactions were lacking overall. Bringing the boys back together after so long separated to an intriguing piece of Castiel’s history that also foreshadows the future in vague ways. Yet that made for…