Thoughts on Supernatural 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thoughts on 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Non-stop laughter. That’s pretty much the extent of this episode, alongside bad-ass Winchester moments and with an emotional cherry-on-top ending that sobered the whole thing right back up. As nearly the entire season has been to date, this again delivered the old-school feel while maintaining…

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×01: “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

  Welcome back, Supernatural and hello to the newly refreshed, reinvigorated and totally rejuvenated season nine! Where last year was a journey of discovering just what sacrifice was too great and how far was too far, about blurring the lines of good and evil, right and wrong beyond what we thought even the Supernatural world…

Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1

Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1

Hello and welcome to Romance, Bromance and Reflections! Today we will be looking at that frequently tossed about phrase “soulmate” and just what exactly it means in the Supernatural world these days. The impetus for today’s discussion really began brewing way back when in Goodbye Stranger – Amelia was referenced as Sam’s unicorn and it…

Thoughts on “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice”

Thoughts on “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice”

From emerging the monotone washout of purgatory to ancient tablets and secret bunkers to angels and their wings burning against a night sky – welcome to the wonderful world of Supernatural, where you never really see the end coming no matter how hard you look! In the end “Sacrifice” wasn’t about closing the gates of…