Walker Roundup: Season Four Episode Three “Lessons from the Gift Shop”

Walker Roundup: Season Four Episode Three “Lessons from the Gift Shop”

The third episode of Walker titled “Lessons from the Gift Shop” is all about the need for communication with a nod to the art of Kintsugi “Embracing the broken and rolling that history into the future,” with gift-shop gifts brilliantly sprinkled into all the storylines. Because communication is the theme, the episode dealt more with…

Wrangling Walker: Season Four Episode Three “Lessons from the Gift Shop”

Wrangling Walker: Season Four Episode Three “Lessons from the Gift Shop”

In my last episode review, I said that dysfunctional family patterns don’t disappear overnight. Walker‘s “Lessons From The Gift Shop” continued that thought with several themes seen from different characters’ perspectives as they tried to improve themselves. I’ll leave the recap to other folks, and dive into what turned out to be a very interesting…

Walker Roundup: Season Four Episode Two “Maybe It’s Maybelline”

Walker Roundup: Season Four Episode Two “Maybe It’s Maybelline”

Walker episode 4.02, “Maybe It’s Maybelline,” exemplifies the wonderful mix of humor, heart, and action that this show excels at. Interwoven throughout was the recurring theme that sometimes one needs an objective third party to talk to. People in our lives are sometimes too close to the situation and an outside perspective is necessary. The…

Wrangling Walker: Season Four Episode Two – “Maybe It’s Maybelline”

Wrangling Walker: Season Four Episode Two – “Maybe It’s Maybelline”

We had another action-packed episode, with a sassy witness who really gives Cordell and his partners a run for their money, and we saw character growth in surprising ways. I’ll let others do the recap, and focus on the insights. Cassie, Trey, and Captain James Cassie has decided not to go back to the FBI…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.10 – “Road Trip”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.10 – “Road Trip”

“I didn’t have a choice.”  You DID!  You just made the wrong one.  Lots of times.   I did like “Road Trip” more than “Holy Terror”.  This is an Andrew Dabb script and like his others, it was inconsistency galore.  Some things worked, some things didn’t.  The biggest strength,  Crowley was really freaking awesome.  Every…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.09 – Holy Terror

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.09 – Holy Terror

Dean Winchester got what he deserved.  I could end the review of “Holy Terror” right there, but I suppose in his desperate act he left a lot of collateral damage in his wake, so I should probably explore that.  I just think it’s pretty sad as the episode closed out on Dean’s devastated face that…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait

“Heaven Can’t Wait” is one episode where I didn’t remember ever seeing it or what it was about.  So, for such a forgettable episode, this rewatch took me by surprise.  It was actually good.  A well deserved character study for Castiel based on his new circumstances as a human, and a smaller yet effective glimpse…

Alice’s Re-Review: Supernatural 9.05 – “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Alice’s Re-Review: Supernatural 9.05 – “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Something fun happened while going through our recent conversion here at the WFB.  I’ve had to do a lot of archive cleanup and what do you know, I found some season nine reviews that I actually did.  One of those just happened to be “Dog Dean Afternoon.”  So, was it a good review?  Not really. …

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

“Slumber Party” is an odd duck for me.  I don’t think it’s a bad episode.  It’s well constructed, tells a unique story, and doesn’t have me shouting out “WTF???” on continuity or plotting.  The issue I have with it is that I’m not a huge fantasy fan.  I get it, Charlie is from a different…

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.03 – I’m No Angel

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.03 – I’m No Angel

In my rewatch of “I’m No Angel,” I was pleasantly surprised…for the first two thirds of it.  This wasn’t a half bad story and was strangely fluid.  Then the wheels completely fell off the wagon and it ended a complete travesty.  All the right ideas were in place, but this time they got a good…