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  1. xoferew
  2. Fun Stuff
  3. Friday, 25 August 2017
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Welcome back to xoferew's Supernatural game making blog! "Escape From Purgatory" is a RPG (role playing game) I'm making with the software RPG Maker MV and the graphics programs FireAlpaca and Game Character Hub.

I've been excited but nervous about making Baby. I think she came out okay.
If anyone notices ways I could improve her, please comment! My main challenge was to find the right photos to use as models since I need to make a front view, back view, right side, and left side. A lot of shots of the Impala are taken from low down, especially front views, and side views are often veering toward 3/4 views. Another issue is that the default game perspective is slightly from above as if one is looking down from a second story window, and the roads that come with the game look completely top down, so any car that's not a top view will look odd.
On the other hand, you have to suspend your disbelief and not worry about it too much. I mean, look at the size of the road compared to the size of the town, and those are the graphics that come with the game.
You can see she doesn't fit properly on the road but close enough! At least on the side views I basically got her into her lane.
Here is the back view.

Am I going to make Baby drive around in Purgatory? No, the poor thing is not an off-road vehicle. (Although she looks good that way.)
The beginning portion of the game will go back and forth between Dean and Cas trying to stay alive in Purgatory, and Sam trying find/rescue Dean. So I will have a map of the United States like so:
and Sam can drive from town to town looking for clues. Right now I just have sample roads and towns so I can test out the Impala graphics but later I will place actual towns and highways, and add mountains and whatever other details are needed. When the player drives the car into a town graphic, that will open up another map where Sam will get beaten up by ghosts while obtaining an important artifact or whatever. Yay!

I have also drawn another monster to fight, a ghoul! Here she is:
Now you may say, "Xoferew, that is not a ghoul, that is the rat-eating girl in the walls from Family Remains." How right you are! But she looks like someone who would live in a graveyard and dig up tasty corpses to eat. Actual ghouls we meet in the show are not so distinctive. Like these guys, who were going to have Dean for breakfast in Crowley's monster prison.
And I'm not going to use Adam-ghoul, that would make me sad to play a game where I kill him over and over again. Nope, in my game rat-girl has been transformed into ghoul girl. Yay! Here's what a pack of her looks like when you fight her.

Aside from the graphics, I've been coding a bunch of game-play mechanics. Castiel can now cook a couple dozen recipes. There are various ingredients that you find lying about, or get from monsters you defeat, and when you have all the things you need to make Purgatory Pie, for example, then Cas will try to make it.
Dean has fishing as a special skill, and I plan to give Sam the skills of stealing from enemies and fashioning explosives (from, again, stuff you find lying about, or get from monsters.) This glowing spot on the map shows a fishing spot.
Tons more work left to do!

Thanks for reading my little blog, and feel free to comment!
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Castiel as a cook made me chuckle and you made Baby! <3

Love to see how the game is coming a long. (The ghoul graphics were great too). :)
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