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  1. percysowner
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. Monday, 11 May 2015
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Now that we have some spoilers for the next episode 10.22, here's the place to discuss it. You can talk about both promos, the pictures, the extended sneak peek or any other spoilers for the episode.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. # 1
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I am still recuperating from last episode but this looks very intense. The promo is actually put up so that I have no idea which scene belongs to which and what will happen. And even though they seem to explain what will happen I think they don't.

Yeah, I want to see the episode. I just would like to know will I need a truck load of ice cream and whiskey.

Anyway, all seems to go to hell figuratively speaking. I think I will wait to see the episode because I have no idea what to speculate. And I am exited but also horrified.

- Lilah
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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Ok here is my grasping-at-straws attempt at not being terminally depressed by Season 10 (and season 9). It is as much about the mechanics of how Supernatural's story is told as anything.

I know how pissed some of us are because we know how this usually plays out ... (I am not even going to bother to fill in the details here, it has been re-hashed extensively). Also there is a difference between objective 'right' and a character being vindicated by a storyline, it is the latter that I am talking about here.

For once I think it might be worth waiting on the episode to be sure. There will be plenty of reason to cry foul after the episode if it does come down on the 'Dean is right!' side.

The reason this time might be different is Castiel. Castiel NEVER sides with Sam against Dean and he never in the past two seasons has told Dean he is wrong on anything or called him out. In fact he has backed up every thing that Dean has done and with which Sam's activities are now being compared. He told Dean in each case (sometimes between screams) that he was doing the right thing and actually convinced Dean that things were not the way Dean remembered them. He has at the same time never spared telling Sam exactly what his transgressions are, even while trying to stop him from pushing himself to death.

Castiel has been as much responsible for the broken bridges between them as either of the brothers because he invariably takes Dean's side - I believe it is because Dean always verbalises why he is angry and Sam can't and Castiel doesn't know how to interpret anything that isn't straightforward blunt English.

And yet here is Castiel siding with Sam. I get that there is probably an equivalent of 'second biggest screwup ever' in the defence somewhere because this is nu!Supernatural, but it is IS a defence of Sam - the first understanding by anyone of what SAM is going through in forever. Nothing Sam says in his own defence is ever included in the show as something you should accept as fact (which is infuriating, but the boat appears to have sailed on that argument, and the fact that Sam ended up needing defending AT ALL last season just blows my mind). Sam can only be shown to be correct (or not) in other character's commentary on him. Hence Cas defending him is a sea-change in show terms so maybe things are about to change?

I don't see how the show can recover from siding with Dean that Sam got Charlie killed. If they think they can, while showing in the episode that he DIDN'T then they are fooling themselves (or each writer is writing to his own agenda / head-canon). I for one am not willing to watch Sam sacrifice himself again for the sake of trying to protect either his brother, his friends or the world when all they are going to do is blame him for trying. I am (faintly) hopeful that the show isn't going to do that to us either.

TL;DR 'Dean is going to come out of this smelling of roses' or similar sentiments are not really worth it. If he does then the show is done in its current format, they can move ahead with a show with one central character 'destroyed by betrayal' and justify it to themselves but they can't do Supernatural that way and I really believe they will lose a chunk of their audience, that they can't afford to lose, if they try.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. # 3
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