Discussion Page

A place for free form discussion of all things Supernatural.
  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Site Announcements
  3. Wednesday, 17 August 2016
  4.  Subscribe via email
So there's been a bit of confusion about some site things recently.

On our articles, we've gone to using disqus. It is this:

It actually works across websites so if you've logged into disqus at Busty Asian Beauties to discuss Mika's latest style choices then come over here to read up on developments in wendigo research, disqus will still have you logged over here (important if you want to keep certain discussion identities separate).

If you are on our discussion page (such as talking about the latest caption this contest or figuring out the latest problem with canon), then you still need to log into the site. To do so, check under the start new topic button. If you see this:

You need to log in. To do that, click the lock to get the logon prompt:

Once you have done so (or you are already logged in) the spot under the start new topic button should look like this:

Everybody got that? Disqus for articles, and login for discussion boards. (any further questions or inquires, just drop them here and I'll see what can be done)
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