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  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Caption This
  3. Wednesday, 17 August 2016
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Hey everybody! I know new episodes are back but we're trying to use a 2 week delay now (which means safe house is next week's) to give everybody time to get screen caps up. And no I haven't watched it either so I don't have an opinion on it yet.

So last week we again had a tie with blsedbx3's entries, which I think is a first - I'll double check but I don't think we've ever had consecutive wins before.

I also asked for everyone to vote on their pick for worst S2 episode. Considering the entries... we all believe there's no such thing as a bad S2 episode (hey, I agree and think it's a testament to the season). But even in a season of greats, one has to be just a little less great than the others. We had 1 vote come in and... I could see it being judged that way. It also happened to have some of the worst selection ever for this contest! So bonus game! Without looking back, can you guess which episode this shot from?


Suspense over: it's Croatoan. Now everybody get to captioning, or voting.

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