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  1. SPNForever
  2. Castiel
  3. Monday, 04 May 2015
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So many people have anxiety over the Season 10 finale and so many subtle clues that Cass is going to be killed. Does anyone have any real information on this topic? I will be upset if Cass or Crowley were killed off at the end of this season becuase the writers took the now full time staff members and gave them a season worth of crap to work with. To send either characters off in such a disgraceful way would, to me, be unforgivable. Does anyone know what the hay is going on?
  Do you want Castiel to be killed in the Season 10 finale?
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  Augusta, GA, USA
WFB Member
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I never gave it a thought until I read your post, but, somehow, it kinda makes sense.

Cas has been, for lack of a better term, depressed, all season. A lot of folks have commented on the hints of suicide throughout the seasons narrative - especially in recent episodes.

Maybe that's how the brothers get saved/survive the final "whatever" it is that's coming for them/they're heading in to.

Maybe Cas makes the ultimate sacrifice to save them?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 1
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Thanks for your reply. Here are some of the reasons that I think Cass is headed for a sad ending in Season 10. Heaven was said to be running more smoothly under Hannah than it had in a very long time so no real role for him there. He just closed the loop on Claire and the Novaks so check that one off. Cass has been given a terrible script to work with almost leading the viewer to come up with conspiracy theories that maybe the writers intentionally wanted to bore the fans to death with Cass and they make him kind of unlikeable, at times. There have been at least 2 songs this seaons about blue eyes. In Angel Heart the close out song was Willie Nelson's "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" and who is blue eyes on SPN? Claire asked that Dean watch after Cass? It's just all subtle and subject to interpretation but the rumor is if you found last season's finale devastating the Season 10 finale is utterly more devastating. I think that is Carver' style - he feeds us mostly filler so he can write his "GRAND" finale episode that everyone will be talking about. Kind of self serving and doesn't bode well the the series. What do you think?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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If he just gets killed for the sake of an tear-jerking finale, then it'll be crap, but if he sacrifices himself to save Sam and Dean, I'm OK with it.

I don't want him gone, but if they're going to do it, do it right ... and it wouldn't be the first time the brothers got to live because of someone else's sacrifice. Mary gave up her spirit to save Sam; John gave his soul to save Dean; Ellen & Jo gave their lives so they could get to Lucifer.

It fits, and as you say, Cas has no home. He doesn't belong in Heaven anymore; the Novak storyline is wrapped (leaving it this late in season would now make perfect sense).

So long as they make it a willing sacrifice, on his terms, and not some random killing that makes Sam and Dean go bonkers ... I'm completely OK with it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 3
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You have a great perspective. You've actually made me a little better with it as well but GOSH will it be sad. Do you think this hypothetical if done as your describe will hurt ratings next seasons?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 4
WFB Member
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I don't think so. Bobby's death didn't seem to change much.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 5
WFB Member
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I think it's just hype. Someone has to die at some stage. However, even if Castiel is 'killed', then it's unlikely he'll stay dead. However, Castiel has been absolutely rudderless this season, as have many of the characters. If his death serves a purpose, then why not kill him off. It will have the shock factor that is needed to try and muster interest for season 11 and it's very easy to bring him back after. I don't think the show would kill him off permanently. He's still a popular character and his being around takes the workload off Ackles and Padalecki.

I will be disappointed if Castiel sacrifices himself for the save this season. It will be a huge cop-out, especially in the light of all the unappreciated and unrecognized work that Sam has done for Dean this season. Though if anyone is going to die, I think Charlie is more likely.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 6
WFB Member
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Russ wrote:

I don't think so. Bobby's death didn't seem to change much.

Hi Russ - Bobby's death did change a lot for me - at least in the short term. When his house was burned down I felt like a part of the show died. SPN has this way of killing off characters and doesn't keep many, if any, around since the very beginning which, to me, takes away a part of the show's soul and foundation. Many shows that had very long runs, Smallville being a great example, where legacy characters were there from Season 1 until Season 10. I think SPN would be a better show if they didn't have such a loose trigger finger and kill off charachters that are, to me, foundational, for dramatic effect, perhaps the person playing the character wanted to do 2 shows at once, who knows all the reasons. I wish Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Rufus and others were still around. I'm going on a tangent somewhat but I do find that losing "important" for lack of a better word characters to be a bad thing in the long and short run.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 7
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I can't see them killing Cas permanently and for me anyway it would be kind of an anti climatic end to the season. Cas hasn't really been a part of the arc all season. He has been on his road of self discovery?. If this is supposed to be his big SS he should have been more involved in with the brothers instead of on his own on endless boring road trips. So far he has been on road trips with Hannah, Claire, Metatron with the occasional check in with the boys. There are only 3 more episodes. To shoe horn Cas into the narrative as the one who will save everyone by his sacrifice at this point in the season doesn't make sense. If Dean kills him, goes more demonic and takes off with the Blade and the BOTD leaving Sam on his own to pick up the pieces, maybe. It would depend on how it is all handled I guess.
Misha did say that there would be a huge sigh of relief and then an Oh S*** moment fade to black.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 8
WFB Member
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I can't see them killing off Castiel; too popular with a large contingency of fans. It's just a shame they can't find a good story for him. However, I can see them killing off Crowley to make room for a new big bad, or another big bad taking his place as ruler of hell.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 9
WFB Member
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sam should save dean, which is the relief moment, but somehow, especially given that cas is in the middle of Rowena and Crowley in the finale...Rowena exacts her revenge by casting a different spell....this one on cas.. ending Crowley, as sad as that would be and turning cas...now I know we've seen cas corrupted by levi's but in that instance, it wasn't cas, cas was buried and the levi's took over ...which ended up proving too much and cas ended up dying...exploding only to be resurrected and go crazy... what i'm talking about is more like a second coming of Lucifer...the real Lucifer being incarcerated, because of a spell...cas's angelic existence would become dark...he would become evil just like lucifer and he with Rowena by his side would take over the world. Rowena casting a spell to turn cas and bind him to her...it would be devastating to some....cool for others....and tragic in that it happened because of sam's quest to save his brother...so it would be devastating for the boys...only difference this time being....there is no way to turn cas back...the only way to save him would be to kill him....that could be a story for s11....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 10
WFB Member
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Y'all are KILLING ME with the Death Talk.
I am sick enough already.....:(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 11
WFB Member
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To guest........

I would more likely need NITRO-GLYCERIN and a BreathingTreatment.

:) :) :) :) :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 12
WFB Member
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NOLANOLA - I would be sick as well. I would need something for severe nausea, possibly something to prevent vomiting.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Castiel
  3. # 13
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