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  3. Friday, 20 February 2015
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I am a relative newbie to SPN and its fandom. My 15 year old daughter prevailed on me to give SPN a try in Sept. of 2013 and by the 2nd episode I was addicted. I have a job and 4 kids but I watched 8 seasons in less than 5 weeks. My daughter was delighted that I shared her love of the show and we spent spent several weekend days in front of the TV for 7-8 hours because she loved watching my shock, delight, excitement, laughter, and sadness at all of the twists and turns of the first 8 seasons. She is a Dean girl and I was a Sam fan from the first episode, but we both share a love of seeing the brothers together as much as possible. I actually wondered if there was something wrong with me because I spent so much time thinking about SPN and those brothers. I've watched many well-written, well-acted shows (like Buffy, Lost, Game of Thrones) but never has a show captivated me or engaged me emotionally as SPN has. I thought about it a lot and concluded that it was because of the laser focus on the brothers' crazy, intense, messy relationship those first few years, along with the way the Js brought those characters to life and their amazing chemistry.That brotherly relationship defines their characters and the show itself. Add to that a supernatural setting with lots of action and laughs and you have a perfect show. It's like nothing else on TV, and the best of SPN is IMO the best TV ever. So I began exploring the online fandom to see if there were other middle-aged woman who shared my obsession. I was actually shocked by some of what I found- fans who seemingly hated one of the brothers and/or actors who portrayed him. It's inexplicable to me that someone could watch and enjoy SPN if you hate one of the brothers. And truthfully, I found many of the sites to be Dean/Jensen centric. Then I found The WFB and I instantly felt like I'd found a community of like-minded fans who valued that brotherly relationship as much as I do. Even though it's a mix of Sam fans, Dean fans, and simply brother fans, by and large people voice their opinions respectfully and civilly. In fact, it's often not even apparent if a writer/commentator is a fan of a particular brother. Even the Sam girls who share my frustration and actual distress with how woefully underused Sam has been this year do not resent or disparage Dean. While I am very tired of grim, morose, unhappy Dean I blame the writers. I love Dean and I hope we soon see more of the humor and playfulness that are some of his most endearing qualities. So I want to thank the moderators and contributors on The WFB for providing a haven for fans who love SPN and BOTH brothers to share their feelings.
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This show isn't like any other and the WFB isn't like any other fan site. Thanks to the tireless work of our fearless leader Alice and Nightsky and all the writers who contribute to this site I think it is by far the best site in the fandom. My life is so different since I found SPN but having found the WFB took it to places I never could have dreamed of. I've been a fan since 2010 I can't imagine my life without this show so warts and all I hope it continues for many more years.
Thanks for starting this thread hopefully others will comment on their experiences too.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
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Hi samanddean10! I too feel something for this show that I have NEVER felt for any other show and furthermore it has seen me through some tough times in the last decade so I am very loyal. It is not perfect by any means and I sometimes miss the older shows and Kripke years. But I also recognized that is in the past so my current mindset that it is what it is, so I am fine with that. I still love it even though I wish I could change a few things. It will never please all of us. :)

I found this website a few years ago and it means a lot to me. It is by and large a pleasant place to discuss the show. The articles and reviews are awesome. It is a mixture of Sam, Dean and bro fans and we usually manage to navigate our discussions in a civil manner. It tends to lean Sam and that's fine with me. Things sort of deteriorated a few weeks ago and that was because the moderating was absent for a time. Alice and Nightsky are on it now and I am so glad. Sometimes tempers flare and passions for characters create conflict, that happens. Thankfully that is the exception not the rule. This is IMO the best website out there for sharing your love for the characters and the show. Welcome to the site!!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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Thank you Cheryl and leah for your replies. One of my favorite things about the WFB is the amount of effort everyone puts into analyzing SPN, referring back to older episodes and canon. Some of the suggestions I've been reading lately for the direction the show could take now that Dean has killed Cain are incredible, and in keeping with the characters and the history. Sometimes I think they need a fan in the writers' room when they're mapping out the year's story arc because I'm sure that NONE of the writers knows the show as well as the majority of the WFB writers and contributors. I myself have watched each pre-season 9 episode at least 4 times, some of them many more, and I only started watching SPN a year and a half ago! I've even rewatched every season 9 episode, and a number of them multiple times, because there are at least a few minutes of every episode that I enjoy. The exception, of course, is Bloodlines, but who can blame me. Anyway, thanks for sharing your feelings and I look forward to reading your comments on the reviews. I just have to make sure I don't spend as much time on WFB as I do watching and thinking about SPN, or my kids will start to wonder about me!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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It's a nice addiction to have, as addictions go:) Both the show and WFB. I check in with the site every day. I have been with the show since near the beginning. Saw a few scenes early on and dismissed it it as "bickering pretty boy brothers". Then I caught a few scenes of AHBL1&2
started to think maybe I was wrong. THEN I saw In My Time of Dying. Oh yeah the hook was set! I went out that weekend and bought the DVD set for S1 and watched it all in one weekend. In one way my first impression was pretty accurate but it is also so so much more. I have worn out my first 5 seasons of DVD sets.

No one can blame you for Bloodlines!;)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
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Hunter, I smiled when I read your post and had to comment (my first on the discussion page). My 16-year-old daughter convinced me to watch the show, and, though I also have a job and four kids, I watched the entire first nine seasons in about five weeks starting in December 2014. My daughter and I both absolutely love the brothers and their relationship, though she and I both are partial to Dean. I watched bits of the early episodes of Season 10 on youtube and read the recaps here, watched some on the CW website, and finally caught up so I could see the last three or four in real time. And now I have to wait out the hellatus (is that the right term?) with everyone else instead of watching show after show back to back on Netflix, staying up way too late, like I'd been doing!

I've avoided a lot of the fandom, but when I came across this website, I really appreciated the well-written and detailed reviews that helped me replay the episodes in my mind and appreciate many of the nuances of the scenes. I am a bit embarrassed that I've totally been binge-ing on Supernatural over the last couple months: watching the show, rewatching the show, reading WFB, and watching youtube music videos set to Supernatural footage. I quote lines to my daughter at random times and she either laughs or rolls her eyes.

I'm REALLY glad I started watching the show because I had no idea how much it would draw me in. I also had no idea how much it would hurt emotionally watching!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
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Aslansown, I really laughed when I read your post. It was like looking in the mirror. I now "out-fan" my daughter and my two sons who watch the show, and they get quite annoyed when I quote the show. Their least favorite quote (which is my favorite to use!) is when they try to control the music in the car and I remind them that "the driver picks the music, the shotgun shuts his cakehole." They do not find that nearly as amusing as I do! I, too, am kind of embarrassed by how much time I've spent watching, re-watching, and now reading about the show. Nobody knows that I have now started reading and commenting at the WFB. By the way, your binge watching experience is pretty impressive. You watched even faster than I did! Were you as depressed as I was when you caught up and had to resign yourself to actually WAITING to find out what happens next? Anyway, I'm so happy to hear of another kindred spirit and I look forward to reading your comments to the articles. I'm slowly dipping my toe in those waters more and more often. So nice to hear from you!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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Yeah, it IS hard to wait now. I got spoiled watching one after another and now only getting 45 minutes at a time and then having to wait a week or more!

The "driver picks the music" quote IS a great one! Personally I'm waiting for the right moment to use, "I suggest we imbibe copious amounts of alcohol and wait for the inevitable blast wave." lol One that I did say was when my daughter said something like, "Do you think you're funny?" to me and I replied, "I think I'm adorable." Her annoyance (and amusement) were my reward.

And, btw, I realized that I've already proven what a newbie I am by confusing your status (or rank) with your user name. Sorry about that!

I've enjoyed reading the articles, but have only just started making a comment or two.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
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I did the same thing a few weeks ago when I first started looking at the Discussion pages. I wondered who this prolific poster "Hunter" was, and why he/she had so much to say about everything. My next big step is figuring out how to quote from someone else's post. I'm a bit of a tech doofus so that should be interesting!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
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Hello! My name is Aleck, and I'm researching the Supernatural fandom for one of my classes and I'm trying to understand how a fandom can impact a show. I'm a newbie to this website but have been a Supernatural fan for a long time now. To get a better understanding of the fandom, I wanted to be more engaged online and interact with the fandom, rather than just pin pictures of the brothers on Pinterest, which I have been doing for a while.

I love the show, and this fan site allows me to get a better idea for what fans are thinking. I'm also following Supernatural and Supernatural actors on other social media sites and they are not as thorough as this website. I've only looked at discussion pages thoroughly and still need to explore the other links but I find the discussion pages really interesting because fans really analyze the show, and bring up points that I didn't think about. This fan site is really informative on all things Supernatural, and I think that's really great.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
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Aleck, it sounds like a fun class. What could be better than researching all things Supernatural? I agree with your thoughts about this site. Some of the other sites have a lot of extreme, or unpleasant discussion, IMO. Or they're mostly about drooling over the Js. While I am not oblivious to how unbelievably attractive the Js are, and it certainly adds an enjoyable element to watching the show, it's not the primary reason I watch. Television is full of shows with good-looking, sexy men, but what really hooked me about SPN was the characters and the writing. I'd love to hear how your paper turns out. Good luck.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
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Well I have just finished introducing myself on one of the other threads and decided to read around and see what others our chatting about.
I breathed a sigh of releif when I read Hunters words I to am a middle age fan and felt a little embarresed to say so.
I have brought merchandise ie windcheater and t shirts and like a closet junkie I slip into my own little computor room pop them on and settle down to a marathon watch of SPN
My windcheater is a bit large - I can queit comfortably fit the J2s inside LOL and curled up on the couch watching Sam & Dean I queit often snuggle up & imagine this.
Ohhhh my I better not say much more in case I get arrested LOL

Love the mature feel of this site - sometimes the younger sites get a bit out there ??? and I'm not into all this Sam & Dean together stuff or Castiel and Dean !!!??

I just love the show for what it is a Kick Ass Family,- 2 brothers fighting for the common course. Thanks again WFB for this wonderful web site xxoo
  Morphett Vale SA, Australia
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 11
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Hi Jen. I'm glad to hear of another middle-aged SPN fan. When I tell my peers that I watch it they always seem slightly amused. If they knew just how much time I spend re-watching and reading /writing about it on this site, they'd think I've lost my mind. My kids think I'm a little obsessed, and that includes the 3 who watch the show. Are you a recent binge-watcher of the previous seasons? What made you start watching? Just a warning from personal experience- once you start commenting on this site it takes on a life of its own. I only recently started posting comments and I now am spending WAY too much time checking all of the new comments. And as far as fantasizing about the brothers snuggling up with you, I can totally relate. I love everything about the brothers, and that includes the fact that they're sexy as hell. Nice to hear from you Jen!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
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Hi Hunter - Yeah I'm hooked on this discussion page as well SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't have anyone else interested in the show to cry, laugh, and talk too.Being in Australia like other countries outside of America we tend to feel a bit isolated.

I have watched S1-S10 I can't say how often (embarrassing ). I did become quiet addicted. My addiction is well abit hard to explain & when I talk about it I feel silly ???

I suffer depression have done for many yrs and YES I am supporting Jarrod's latest campaign - Gotta Love Him xxoo Anyway I have been at a loss this yr, feeling restless, sad, un-loved and not overly happy with my marriage or my life. I lost my darling campaign ( Oscar my dog ) he passed away and I think I am stilling struggling.
So I had known of SPN but not bothered to watch But it seemed to call to me late last yr around October and I havn't been able to go a day without watching it. Or checking out facebk or WFB.
It doesn't sound healthy I know - but until I can get the strength to fix my life - The Boys anfd the show give me what I need. I'm a closet SPN fan because I dare not let anyone know the truth because I'm so embarresed. Sorry Hunter for all this - but you showed a interest in me and I reached out xo

I would like to know however Does Jared & Jenson have much say on the scripts _ I know Jenson was not to happy at first about the 200th ep. and said so -- but what about other episodes or story lines. If they were really un- happy with the direction of the show can they speak up .???????

Also I would like to say that right from S1 Ep1 the show was written around Sam - The demon blood and all that came after it. Dean was his protector & big brother. I feel as Sam has met and risen to his challenges he has got stronger a better hunter. But really he is A Man of Letters and I feel this is where the show should head. He can still hunt with Dean but they should be individuals who Love & Care deeply for ea other. But Dean is the hunter, Sam MOL. Really S9 -S10 has only been the one time that Dean has been in big trouble and appears to stand out with Sam in the back ground I think or hope the writers are going in the right direction
  Morphett Vale SA, Australia
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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Jen, I can relate to much of your post. I started watching SPN at a tough time in my life as well- extreme marital and financial difficulties- so I wonder if I'm so obsessed with SPN because it's a complete refuge from the more difficult aspects of my life. I can't say for sure, but what I do know is that I'm happy when I'm watching SPN. I can forget my own problems and concentrate on the much worse problems facing Sam and Dean! And never apologize for reaching out. I'm not always comfortable confiding my troubles to friends and family, so it's nice to be able to do it anonymously here. I hope things in your life improve. While I don't suffer from depression myself, my mom was bipolar, as is my younger brother, and my nephew suffers from depression, so I have some knowledge of just how difficult things must be for you. And because of my family history, I know how important Jared's latest campaign is and I hope he makes a lot of money for the cause.

On another note, if you read the entire thread about the pics from Episode 15 you'll read comments about how reticent the Js usually are about voicing any complaints about the show. So it's hard to know what they really think. But I sure would like a private conversation with them to find out! Also, I just responded to your comment at the end of that thread in which I respectfully disagree with your post. And while I agree with what you said above about Sam really being a MOL, because that really is Sam, I don't know if I could watch the show if the brothers are mostly separated. Their brotherly dynamic is what makes SPN special and that's what I like to watch. I think I'd be happy watching an episode in which the brothers paint the bunker just to have an hour of brotherly banter and sparring! Now you know how embarrassingly invested in that relationship this middle-aged lady is!

I really hope things improve for you Jen, and I look forward to reading your comments. Agree or disagree, we share a common bond of loving the show and the brothers.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 14
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Thanks for your kind words & support - I'm feeling a bit fragile this morning. I got in on the dicussion pg - I did let people know I was a newbie and that I didn't know much about the writers ect. But I was trying to learn through sites like this. I tend to write how I see things and how I feel about something. But it must have come across all wrong and in my opinion samanddean gave me a real blast and I got upset. So if you don't mind I may just chat back and forward with you till I learn some more Thanks

I can understand - looking back over different eps. now how much the writing has changed particularly for Sam I often say to myself - Wheres the personnal chats gone - I loved it when Dean smiled and laughed and joked around and at times poor Sam would get soooooooo embarassed LOL I hope they bring this back I really do think Sam needs a in - depth " No Chick Flick Moments " with Dean - get angry Sam spill ya guts and kick him up the ass - One last thing I did feel upset more often than once at some of the things Dean said to Sam they were really rough & degrading I did think -- If I was Sam I would have snoted Dean one and walked out forever -- brothers or not they were some really harsh words.
Anyway Thanks again Jen xo
  Adelaide SA, Australia
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 15
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Jen, I feel terrible about your reaction to the posts because I AM Samandean. (That little Hunter icon goes on top of the name on this page and you have to scroll over the name for it to appear). I even referred you to my post because I thought I had just presented my case in a civil way for why I disagreed with you. When I saw your response I felt awful and I hope you read my followup post (I accidentally replied to eilf rather than to you) in which I explained my thinking. When I was writing my response to your original post I was trying to sound reasonable and friendly, and that's the way I was thinking it in my head, but I guess that did not come across that way and for that I am truly sorry. I guess I am too obsessed and passionate about SPN and I come across as aggressive, when that is NOT how I feel. So I hope you read my follow up which better explains how I feel and why I hope you continue to comment. I'm pretty new to this myself so I guess I don't yet have a good feel for how my opinions come across. The last thing I want to do is turn something you love into something unpleasant and stressful. I did see your comment from this morning and I'm glad you're feeling better about things. And I agree with your thought about Jody. Most of the recurring characters (like Garth, Charlie, etc) have a stronger bond with Dean and I keep hoping they'll let Sam have a special relationship with someone and it seemed like Jody could be that person. They had time together in a few episodes and seemed to really have a great relationship. But in the last 2 episodes with Jody her relationship with Sam seemed no different than her relationship with Dean. I always want to tell the writers to give Sam a friend! Anyway, please accept my apology and keep writing.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 16
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WFB was actually the first site I found about Supernatural. When I started watching the show I couldn't let go. I watched all the seasons in very short time and it lift my spirit to write stories again, I jumped in the world of twitter and created my own plog. I also started to practice to make Supernatural fan vids and learn the program for it.

So what I love about WFB. The articles, reviews, news I love a lot. I loved the Cbox and because of it I found few new friends to talk about Supernatural and everything else. We could be goofy, find cool vids and images for one another and even if Cbox is gone the heritage lives on. Nightsky and Alice also are trying their all to have the site available for all and keep it in check.

Also I like the video page and the discussion board a lot so I wish they will have a bright future. :)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 17
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Hi Lilah. I love the vids you posted the other day on one of the discussion pages. What I like best about the WFB is finding out that I'm not the only person who is crazy about the show and those Winchester boys. It was a big relief to find out that there are lots of other normal, intelligent women (and men) with full lives who feel the same way, and are not shy about sharing those feelings. I always enjoy reading your comments because your enthusiasm and love of the show shine through. Thanks for adding to the discussion.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 18
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Believe me. It would be nice if I had a friend or two closer to home to enjoy Supernatural with. I am glad if that it shines through and that you enjoy them. I have actually thought I ramble along and no-one reads them. :D

But thanks, you really brightened my day with your comment. :)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 19
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Now I'm embarresed Hunter - Samdean LOL Having a gret laugh to myself now HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Confiding in Hunter that SamandDean upset me how embarrasing HAHAHA
No alls good

I'm so invested in the boys that I too can be defensive & I'm so worried that this is unhealthy these feelings I dread the day when the show finishes. Do you think it will go past Season 11 ??!! I was reading Jared's post on face bk - the one where in metioned that they had just wrapped up S10Ep20 ( I think ). I was so relieved that I almost sent him a post saying So pleased to see you, I was worried they were gonna kill you off - God Jen, its a SHOW, not REAL life
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 20
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LOVE SPN - WFB - MY BOYS - SAM & DEAN xxxxxxoooooooooooo
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 21
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On the bright side Jen, it's only one week until Episode 15. I hope it's great. How long after it airs here do you see it?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 22
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Hi Hunter I get the eps the next day so Thursday around 2.00pm Aussie time so not to bad. Off to Balli after that so I have to wait 2 wks before I get to see the boys again. Unless I can get them I Sky Channel ?? at the Motel. But maybe I should just have a break !! I hope I get some idea whats happening on Ep15 so I can go away with some idea
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 23
Site Administrator
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I just saw this discussion thread! Thanks so much everyone! Your comments have really made my day! Sometimes I get so busy running the site that I don't get to read everything ON the site, so this was a very pleasant surprise. I'm very glad the site helps you enjoy Supernatural. It is a true gift in all our lives.

...and I laughed too when I read the account of a daughter getting you hooked, binge watching, feeling guilty about going crazy are *our* age. That's my story too - I'm just 3 years ahead of you - and Alice is 3 years ahead of me. Watch out! You may be running things in a few years!
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 24
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