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  1. Alice
  2. Site Technical Issue
  3. Saturday, 06 February 2016
  4.  Subscribe via email
You all might notice some very strange things happening on our front page this weekend. Out of necessity, I'm cleaning up a lot of our backend applications and restructuring the front page. With this day of mobile devices being a frequent choice of access, the menus needed restructuring and the front page simplified. The articles, comments, discussion page, or any other page other than the main page aren't affected, so feel free to carry on with your normal activities while this is happening.

You may notice that our side menu on the front page is gone. All options on that menu are now available as drop downs on the main menu at the top. Where you see a carrot, there's drop down options. Here's some notable changes:

- Articles includes Articles, News, Latest Comments, Episode Guides and our Article Archives
- SPN Fandom includes this Discussion Page, Polls, CBOX, Games, Download SPN, and Recommended Sites
- Photo and Video is pretty self explanatory, that is our Photo Galleries and Video Page
- About Us has Contact Us and the WFB Writers pages

That's for your patience! The goal is to make the site faster and more efficient, so if you have any comments or suggestions on the changes please share them here.
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