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  1. Mustang66
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  3. Wednesday, 30 December 2015
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Hello Everyone my name is Mason Clarson I'm here to get your thoughts on a TV show series based on Supernatural. Me and 3 others have been writing season 1 for a little over a 7 months and we have a lot to say. First we would like to announce some of the most important parts of the series such as the car being used in the series is a 1966 Mustang I know I should have paid for a 1967 but hey i'm not as rich as most people haha, one thing you should know is the car does have a back story and also it's unfinished during season 1 we wrote it in a way that the audience will grow with the car as it's being built. We also have 1 main character who will meet many other people along his journey to becoming a Hunter, now I can't say much about the main character because I don't want to spoil much. The story takes place close to the end of supernatural season 4 so as a fan you would know that Lucifer will soon arise in supernatural season 5 so many Demons have been released in this time, our main character is an orphan that is suffering from trauma after his best friend is killed by a Demons(which we won't name at this time). But this isn't just any Demon it's one of the Knights of Hell, now his friend was killed because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. now at this point the main character is taken to a Hospital where he ends up over hearing two Hunters whispering to each other saying things about Lucifer and the four horsemen of the apocalypse(the two men are Sam and Dean). Now after he is removed from the hospital ad put back in the orphanage shelter he is soon adopted by a young coupe who are later killed by the same Knight of Hell, The main character soon finds a book on hunter finding out that the couple that adopted him were hunters which is why the Demon killed them. The main character soon finds out who this Knight is and why it's killing Hunters. So tell me what you think of this small snip of the script and such I know it needs work but it's only been 7 months we hope to finish writing by may next year. But i wanted to know what other Fans thought of the series my team is going to create.
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Tell me what you think i love to hear people share there ideas because it helps with the writing so feel free to say whatever.
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