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  1. ScifiSpirit
  2. Episode Discussion
  3. Wednesday, 09 December 2015
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Hello all,

So, this has been on my mind for some time now and I would love the opportunity to have a thoughtful discussion about it.

First, allow me to preface this with saying that I truly enjoy the character of Crowley and I firmly believe that there is more to him than meets the eye. In a previous post, I went to so far to *admit* that I would personally be thoroughly excited if Crowley ends up being "god". In fact, I've got it all laid out in my pretty little brain how that could actually be the case, but that's just me and based on my perceptions of the show alone, nothing more. The biggest thing I love about the notion of Crowley being God is this: All the demons in hell are actually worshipping an angel (The "devil" is an archangel, Lucifer). So, I love the idea of all the angels in heaven actually worshipping a demon (Crowley, who is actually god, though they don't know he's a demon...). The paradox of that just thrills me, so forgive me if that is really not your cup of tea. I totally understand. And, for what it's worth, I totally respect all those individuals who firmly believe that Chuck is God. He may very well be! And if that ends up being the case in an episode, so be it! I won't complain, albeit I'll be disappointed, but awe well. But, even so, that doesn't mean that there isn't more to Crowley than just a snazzy dressing demon that pronounced himself King one day.

With that in mind, further allow me to just say that yes, I can argue and debate all of the evil and dark things we have seen Crowley do (even the red eyes, and everything else) and still defend why I think he is God (or, at the very least, more than just a plain demon). But, for now, I'd rather ease into the debate/discussion with anyone who is willing to discuss it by analyzing a part of his powers.

So herein lies my curiosity about Crowley. Recently, I rewatched Changing Channels from season 5 - the episode where we discover that The Trickster is the Archangel Gabriel. I love this character. I wish he was used more. However, something occurred to me during the re-watch that I didn't really pick up on before and I'm curious if anyone else already has. Whenever Gabriel performed one of his tricks or did any magic, he snapped his fingers. He didn't always have to, but he did do it often. And I can recall how Gabriel had always snapped his fingers in previous episodes that we saw him in. When I watched him do it, it made me wonder because the only other characters (that I can think of) that we have ever seen do that is Crowley and Castiel. Demons don't snap fingers when they do their tricks. We've only ever seen angels do that...and Crowley. I remember when they first introduced Crowley, and we first saw him snap his fingers, I thought "well that's an easy way to get him to have magic at his fingertips and show it on television". But, it didn't occur to me that the angels and archangels (or at least Gabriel) does the same thing.

So, I'm wondering what you guys think of this. Do you think it might just be a form of laziness on the writer's part to have them both do the same thing when using their powers, or do you think it's just an oversight, or do you think it's done on purpose to show that both Crowley and Gabriel are using the *same* power to do things?? Personally, I think it's the last option. Maybe Crowley is God, maybe he isn't. I'm happy to debate that! :) But, regardless, maybe he's actually a "Fallen Archangel"....... Which would be a new kind of concept....I don't know. Forgive me, I am not an expert in the bible. So, I am not sure if there truly can ONLY be four archangels, or if the show hasn't specified the exact amount because they are thinking there can be several archangels.

Either way, all this kinda/sorta/maybe points to some evidence that there is more to Crowley than meets the eye. And that's what I'm getting at with this. He's ALWAYS a step ahead of everyone and he definitely, ehem, works in mysterious ways, lol! No, but seriously, does anyone else here think this could have any merit? Really, I'm just curious. I know what I think of Crowley and the potential that the character has, so what do you guys think?
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WFB Member
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Where the hell have you been all my life......

I have been saying this for YEARS. :p :p :p :p :p
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
WFB Member
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According to what bible you read, there are 3 to 6 archangels. ;) or more. tehehe

  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
WFB Member
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Where the hell have you been all my life......

I have been saying this for YEARS. :p :p :p :p :p

Awesome! I love that I'm not the only one who sees the potential for this!!!!

I actually just started watching the show this year. (Thank you, Netflix gods!) It's just one of those shows that slipped through the cracks for me and I never got around to watching and I'm so pissed now that I never did! I'm all caught up and have been loving every minute. But, when I first got into it, I had already heard all these theories and fan-favorite nuances (like the Destiel 'ship, and Chuck is god, etc etc etc). And I was all excited to jump on board that 'ship and see how things unfold with that and everything else. But, as I watched the show more and more, I just didn't see *that kind* of bond between the two. I love them as friends, but that's it. In fact, the episode where Castiel was human and thought he had a date, but had to babysit Baby Tanya (which is my name, btw lol) instead and Dean was helping him out with that date, was the episode that totally sunk any possibility of them two as a couple for me. I was like "No. Dean would not be helping Cas get a date if he loved him romantically." So, that's where I'm at with that. And when it came to Chuck, I just couldn't bring myself to believe he was God. It just seemed weak and kinda lame, to me. I love the idea of God being "just one of us" like the song says, but for it to be Chuck really didn't add up to me. I wouldn't see God being completely powerless and helpless and kinda dumb about so much stuff. I mean, it *could* work, but it's just ....bleh. But Crowley, oh man, he fascinated me and still fascinates me.

I know we've met Crowley's "son" and his "mother", but if God truly chose to live life as a human and be "born" the way Anna was born when she fell from heaven, then he would have a mother and a family, and perhaps everything else. I think it's all part of his plan. I've got tons of theories as to why God might want to go to hell (some theories are good, some are bad) and why Crowley behaves the way he does. But, the way he uses his powers and the way he's always finding any-which-way to save the brothers somehow really confirms my beliefs that he's got a much bigger backstory that most give him credit for. I'll go the distance and say that he is God, but I'll be ok with the possibility that he's an angel or archangel that fell.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
WFB Member
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I think Chuck was a real person & God took over his body at the end.

Even Jensen says Dean & Cas are just friends.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
WFB Member
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I think Chuck was a real person & God took over his body at the end.

Even Jensen says Dean & Cas are just friends.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
WFB Member
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Yeah, I agree. Either God took over his body or just sent him to heaven or some other realm to exist. His work as a prophet was clearly done.

Also, one detail many people seem to forget or overlook is how many angels have actually seen the face of God. According to Anna, it was four. And, a safe assumption would be that those four are Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, and Raphael. If we assume that and that is the case, then Raphael would/should have recognized him when he came to Chuck's house and "obliterated" Cas. I mean, I guess God can disguise himself, but, eh....

Like I say, if he ends up being God, then I'll just be less thrilled because it would seem like a let down after everything else. As for Crowley, that's a far more interesting dynamic to work with. He's definitely been hands-on and involved and "orchestrating" things to go a certain way.

I like to think of it as that old cliche: Nothing ever goes as planned. So, maybe God (Crowley) does indeed have a plan, as people always say, but things just are never going according to it and he's always trying to stay ahead of the game. lol. I kinda like that.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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