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  1. spnlit
  2. Questions
  3. Wednesday, 04 November 2015
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Importantly, Rowena has appeared in the most episodes as a female supporting character. Thus I am curious what others think because quite frankly, I have no real answer to my question. I just see her as petty, annoying and power hungry. Is that it????? She seems to just kill people who do not do what she wants... is she just a an evil whiner? Why the dead hotel staff on her ceiling in her intro..... did she kill them because room service was bad or she did not want to pay her bill? Is there a bigger picture here that I am missing?
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WFB Member
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I don't know if your going to get many replies LOL I havn't given Rowena much thought. She did turn up at a odd time in S10 I felt they needed to introduce a character to remove the MOC. Prior to this there was no one. No witches per-say, or a witch "Powerful enough ??" to do so. I think they just kept her on to annoy Crowely
We don't have any real back ground story to her and if she is soooooooooooo powerful why does she need a Mega Covern. If I was a all powerfull witch I would be busy casting spells to destroy Crowley and the Winchesters and to course havoc everywhere. But she ain't done nothing,
Maybe she had some idea to being some sorta Queen but now we have Amara I think she is running scared.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
WFB Member
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Oh boy spnlit......that's a tough question. I am trying very hard to give a rats ass about Rowena at the moment. I've forgotten about her pretty much. And if the writers are going to continue to writer like the nep duo wrote her, then I never want to see her again. MEGA coven. Ugh, that was just so, so bad and unfunny. I feel bad for Ruth Connell trying to make something out of what she's been given so far.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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I actually enjoyed Rowena the last half of S 10. I thought she was interesting and quite funny once she was removed from Crowley's orbit. I think she enjoys being evil- she doesn't seem to have any warm, fuzzy feelings towards anyone except for poor Oskar, may he RIP. And she really didn't agonize over the decision to kill even him! I think since they've kept her around, she will be instrumental in helping the brothers defeat the D. After all, she is the one who released it, and she is seemingly quite powerful, although her power seems to wax and wane according to the needs of the episode. My one wish is that there be scenes between her and Metatron. I think it could be hilarious watching them trying to outsnark each other.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
WFB Member
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I agree with E. As much as I like Ruth, she is adorable, I just don't care what Rowena's end game is. Like Samandean I kind of liked her at the end of S10 for a few episodes. But to be honest I am always a little disappointed when I know she is going to be in an episode. I don't necessarily have to know what a character's end game is to like them. Spnlit, I find her petty and annoying too. "She ain't done nothing" true Jen, if she had been more evil and less silly I think I would like her better. Maybe they were trying to make her like Crowley but she can't pull off that snarky stuff like Mark S can. I can't believe I am saying this but I even like Metatron better.:(
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
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