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  1. Wilkinson
  2. Season 11
  3. Friday, 25 September 2015
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Hi guys, although my title sounds harsh I think you should read my article where I state my case


I believe that the show is only going on for the sake on money at this point, and it lost its plot a long time ago. Please let me know what you think in the replies!
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WFB Member
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I don't think the show should go past 12 seasons. Maybe this should be the last? With such an ancient enemy as the Darkness what can you do after that?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 1
WFB Member
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Why all this talk about ending Supernatural / S11 hasn't even started jet. We all have are opinoions are we are all free to voice these opininons. I agree Supernatural has changed but so have our tastes as we get older. Lets face it alot of us were 10 yrs younger when the show started, what we wanted on our TV back in 2005 -2010 was Supernatural. The new fans coming through today see something different in the show to what we saw. So why take it away from them.
The actor's are still excellent - J & J still tell the story with passion and great acting. The stories have gone up & down but it is still a pleasure to watch. Honestly if your tired of the show just don't watch it. Maybe it isn't on par with other TV shows, but I watch other shows and enjoy them as well.
So if you have had enough don't watch, if you are still enjoying the show support it and keep watching
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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Jen wrote:

Why all this talk about ending Supernatural / S11 hasn't even started jet. We all have are opinoions are we are all free to voice these opininons. I agree Supernatural has changed but so have our tastes as we get older. Lets face it alot of us were 10 yrs younger when the show started, what we wanted on our TV back in 2005 -2010 was Supernatural. The new fans coming through today see something different in the show to what we saw. So why take it away from them.
The actor's are still excellent - J & J still tell the story with passion and great acting. The stories have gone up & down but it is still a pleasure to watch. Honestly if your tired of the show just don't watch it. Maybe it isn't on par with other TV shows, but I watch other shows and enjoy them as well.
So if you have had enough don't watch, if you are still enjoying the show support it and keep watching

I'm not tired of it. My greatest fear is the show will become stale and feel overdone. I don't think I'm putting it in the right context but I'm sure you understand what I mean?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 3
Site Administrator
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For me it boils down to more people watch Supernatural than any other show on the CW except The Flash and Arrow. That means lots of people are enjoying it, so why should they be punished because other viewers are no longer interested? There on tons of shows that I don't care about that get good ratings and I don't advocate that they be cancelled. I don't tell people who critique a show to stop watching, no matter how unhappy they are, because they still are engaged. I do tell anyone who states that a show should be cancelled to stop watching because as long as people watch, the show will get good enough ratings to be renewed, no matter what the quality. Personally, I still watch Supernatural. I enjoy it less than in other seasons, but I'm still attached. Other people continue to watch and enjoy it. Different strokes and all that.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 4
WFB Member
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Yeah, no. I have seen these "I think it should be canceled" and usually the answer is the same. People still watch the show and it gains new viewers all the time. My opinion about the matter is that it still goes on strong. It just has its ups and downs like all shows. I have quibbles also with the show but I don't want it canceled because of them.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 5
Site Administrator
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Thanks for sharing the link! I do like a topic that raises discussion. I read the thread on your link and I must say I’m most disturbed by the fans that get so defensive whenever someone raises questions about the show. We even have a rule on this site that no one is allow to say “if you don't like it then don’t watch.” That’s not practical for those of us that have invested years in the show. How about some intelligent discussion!

I do agree that quality has deteriorated to near unwatchable levels, but I’m not sure it’s time to cancel the show yet. It’s time to up the writing and plotting to acceptable levels and actually tell a cohesive story. I wish the show would remember it’s roots and try to write a more complex and layered story instead of pandering to fans and writing for the new “younger” generation tuning in. I also wish they would quit with the desperate, lame ideas like introducing the Frankensteins and killing off likable characters for nothing more than dramatic effect that isn't all that dramatic.

The Demon Dean story was a massive disappointment and the fact they abandoned that for loads of weak filler offends me as a fan. However, I’m over it and ready to give season 11 a try. I see potential in The Darkness storyline, but I’m still only cautiously optimistic since I feel very burned by both angels falling to earth and Demon Dean.

Also, I feel like I’m generalizing too much when I say, “The writers.” There are a couple of great writers on this team, but the rest are more into sensationalized stories that stretch the idea of genre too far rather than trying to tell something fluid and conform with an overall mytharc and character building. Plus the dialogue sucks.

Anyway, thanks for the article and if you do anymore, please share again!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Season 11
  3. # 6
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