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  1. Nate Winchester
  2. Caption This
  3. Sunday, 18 July 2021
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Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a fun time with the sharply dressed Dean & Ness in the previous contest. Several fine entries with Marion ultimately victorious with her child's game implication.

We're very nearly done with our journey captioning the WFB's top 100 episodes list. Today we have reached #92 which is none other than episode 5.03, "Free to Be You and Me."

Of course there's only one choice for captioning.


Don't forget that on our front page, down past the articles, are "CAPTION THIS WINNERS!" - Random CT winners on display every time you visit!

The first 50 winning entries are here. Winning entries numbered 51-100 are here. The winners of 101-150 are here. And 151-200 are now here. Winners #201-250 will be coming soon.
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WFB Member
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Cass " This is a genuine FBI badge you know, not a forgery"

Dean * Give me strength...*
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
No, we’re not the FBI, we’re the IBF.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 2
Mica Johnson
WFB Member
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Dean: Cas? Its upside down

Cas: The pizza man said it looks better upside down

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 3
WFB Member
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Dean " Columbo here is new ..."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
WFB Member
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Dean * I feel like I'm in a really bad version of The Hardy Boys*
Cass "I can hear you*
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
WFB Member
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Dean: "Hes new."

Cas: "If new means older than Methuselah."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 6
WFB Member
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Cas: "Who is this Constantine fellow you speak of? Clearly my name is-"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 7
WFB Member
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Cas: "That would be Agent Constantine to you, Sheriff. If that was my name which clearly it is not as is evidenced by my badge here."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 8
WFB Member
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Cas: "We're here to interrogate the Other, Other Winchester."

Deputy Sherriff: "The who?"

Dean: "I believe he goes by Nate?"

Cas: "The one in charge of the outfit!"

Deputy: "Outfit? You mean like a gang? Or criminal organization?"

Dean: "Not gang. Or uh, criminal organization-"

Cas: "Though it is criminal the way he runs it."

Dean: "See, hes family. At least I think he is-"

Deputy: "Family? Like "Make you an offer you can't refuse"? That kind of "Family"?"

Dean: "What? No. No, no offers... No swimming with fishes..."

Deputy: "What?"

Dean: "What?"

Cas: "I'd like to leave something for him to find in his bed-"

Deputy: "Wait a minute now. We talkin' Deliverance here? You'd best believe we dont cowtow to no incest either! Or Mafia, or street gangs flashing colors or swimming with the fishes - what kind of town do you think I run?"

Cas: "Cowtow?"

Dean: "Put up with."

Cas: "Yes. Just like I am not going to put up with anymore shirking of duty. There is a weekly task, a responsibility put before him. He has been chosen and yet he flaunts this honor in our face every chance he gets. And I thought Kevin Tran was bad. Perhaps I shall smite this Winchester and let another take his place. The Captioner known as Marian is a qualified writer, quick of wit. She could-"

Dean: "No! No smiting. Don't you think you're getting a bit carried away here?"

Deputy: "We arent fond of smiting either-"

Cas: "But you said yourself how important it is to Sam. And it brings such joy to millions."

Dean: "Millions?"

Cas: "Thousands. very popular upstairs."

Dean: "With the God Squad?
Then why don't they ever participate?"

Cas: "It is forbidden. With our superior intellect and vast knowledge no human would ever be able to compete."

Deputy: "Even Marian?"

Dean: "What?"

Deputy: "What?"

Cas: "I am afraid I'm going to have to erase his memory now. He's heard too much."

Deputy: "Hold on there. No ones wiping anyone's memory. Besides I have a great idea for an entry! Look, I'll put out an APB on this guy and give you a call when we have a line on him. How'd that be?"

Cas: "Depends. Whisper your caption in my ear. I'm sort of pulling for Marian..."
*listens* "Alright you're safe. You clearly suck at captioning. You could always make a crossroads deal if you really wanted to excel at it."

Dean: "No. No deals either. No one is going to be selling their soul for a weekly contest that you can't even impress chicks or win any scratch at! Besides, the last time anybody tried a deal was AlyCat and you know how that turned out..."

Deputy: "Well? How? Dont leave me hangin'. Ain't no shrinking violet. Seasoned pro here. I've seen a lot in my time on the force."

Dean: "Let's just say it wasnt pretty and leave it at that."

Deputy: "That bad? Well some things are better left unsaid. But speaking of pretty, what's this guy look like?"

Dean: "No one knows. It's like hes a ghost. I don't know that anyone has ever seen him."

Cas: "Right. An APB out on a spirit. That should work."

Deputy: "Alright. It's out on the wire. BOLO for Casper. Any thing else I can do for you cause you've about wasted all the time I have to give and I'd like you to leave.
Now. "

Cas: "I believe a little respect is in order. I'll have you know he shot the Sherriff!"

Deputy: "What?"

Dean: "What? No. No shooting. Thats crazy talk! Hate that song too! No, you've been great. Heres my card should anything come up."

Cas: "There is one more thing-"


Dean: "Damn it Cas! Why'd you have to do that? We really could have used his help. You cant just go around squeegee-ing mem-"

Cas: "The less mankind knows about my kind, the better. Not to mention your slaying of the Sheriff."

Dean: "Demon. Demon Sherriff!"

Cas: "Semantics." Besides I could do without any more competition. It's very difficult. Nate is a harsh judge. Harsh, but fair. And the Deputies caption was good."

Dean: "This is about the contest? I thought you said-"

Cas: "I lied. Didnt you just tell me when you want something really, really, bad that that is what you should do?"

Dean: "That's not quite what I meant-"

Cas: "Plus who knows. I may want to be President some day! So, let's go find this Nate fellow and get him back on track."

Dean: "Its a game Cas. A game. Hes not a prophet and this isnt the Tet Offensive!"

Cas: "As a true Captioneer I find your words offensive.
Please come up with another metaphor you've ground that one into the mud."

Dean: "Run that one into the ground."

Cas: "Really? The way I said it makes more sense. We need to leave. And Dean?
Don't even think about submitting your own entry. Afterall I raised you from the Pit, I can throw you back in!"

Dean: "Hardcore much? So much for your superior intellect and vast knowledge. Remind me never to play Monopoly with you!"

Cas: "You should see me play Twister."

Dean: "Ew. Gross. No thank you."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 9
WFB Member
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Cas: "He shot the Sheriff."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Caption This
  3. # 10
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