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  1. Yirabah
  2. The Fandom
  3. Wednesday, 15 July 2015
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I have been following NERD HQ since the beginning of it. And of course, what a surprise, I got hooked to it, by Supernatural. Jared being one of the first ones who agreed to do NERD HQ. It is great because I think that through the live stream even those far far away from the San Diego Comic Con can kind of have the feeling like they are there plus it is for a good cause.

Now this year when I read comments to a Stephen Amell video of Nerd HQ there was someone there who said he is a big Arrow fan but he can only watch the panel. He has no words to it because he can't hear he would wish they would come at least with subtitles. And what would you know, fans are so incredible, within minutes a few told him they would transcripe it for him. Then there were more comments of other people thanking for the not yet written transcript because they need something like that too. So there is a need out there for that. I knew that the people who are hard of hearing can watch TV shows with subtitles. They are fans too. But they are completely left out of all the fun of all the videos, panels of the actors they adore.

So coming back to that first woman who said she will transcipe the Stephan Amell video of Nerd HQ. She made a facebook group for people willing to help with all the NERD HQ vids. I jumped in thinking I would do of course Supernatural. Guess what I am nearly finished with my first video but it is not Supernatural. Others in our group dread that too.

Why? Aysha. Listen to her. She is funny, I like her, she is at her best during the Supernatural panel, but trying to transcripe her. And that as the first transcipt you ever did in your live. NOOOOOO! And definatly not me, since English is not my first language.

Ok after the first one nearly finished I will do Supernatural next. Starting with later today or tomorrow. But I definatly need help.Maybe one of you can understand her better than I do. Or if someoneelse would jump on our wagon and be willing to do that hey come and join us on the facebook page NERD HQ 2015 Transcripts. Nerd HQ will take care of spreading the transcript videos once we are done, so I heard.

I am sure you can find me there even so I have a different facebook handle.
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I love the SPN Nerd HQ panel. It feels less formal than conventions despite not being there! Wish it was twice a year :D
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