Discussion Page

A place for free form discussion of all things Supernatural.
  1. Alice
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. Monday, 15 June 2015
  4.  Subscribe via email
Please excuse the small bit of self-promotion here, but at our sister site, TV For The Rest of Us, I'm starting a new feature this summer for various shows where I look at the seasons gone by and do the highlights and lowlights of each show. Since Supernatural is still my big show, I started with that. Check out the two lists that have been published already!

Ten Highlights from Supernatural Season 10

Ten Lowlights from Supernatural Season 10

You can log comments there just like here (account not required) so feel free to chime in if you agree with the choices or have some that I'm missing. I used to do a lot of top ten lists for this site when it was first getting started but there isn't room for those lists here nowadays. I always find them fun to do, so I hope for those of you that check out the lists enjoy them. Up next will be Arrow!


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