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  1. Alice
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. Wednesday, 10 June 2015
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Yes, it's that time of year again. This time, I'm moving our fun little game over to our new category on the Discussion Page. Welcome to Summer Hellatus!


The rules haven't changed. Take the episodes from Supernatural Season Ten and rank them from best to worst in five minutes. The reason why only five minutes? Because I want gut reaction. Taking time to think about it ruins that initial and genuine reaction to an episode. You know what you liked and what you didn't! Yes, it's okay if you take more than five minutes. Just don't take too much time to dwell.

Below are the list of episodes in order of airing:

Soul Survivor
Paper Moon
Fan Fiction
Ask Jeeves
Girls, Girls, Girls
HIbbing, 911
The Things We Left Behind
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
About A Boy
Halt and Catch Fire
The Executioner's Song
The Things That They Carried
Paint It Black
The Inside Man
Book of the Damned
The Werther Project
Angel Heart
Dark Dynasty
The Prisoner
Brother's Keeper

As I have in the past, I'll share my rankings. I did this in about four minutes. I surprised myself with this one. My top ones are usually a Carver episode. Nope, Robbie Thompson won my heart this year. For fun, I'm also separating my ranking by The Best, The Acceptable, and The Bad:

The Best:

The Book of The Damned
Inside Man
Brother’s Keeper
Fan Fiction
The Executioner’s Song
The Werther Project

The Acceptable:

Girls, Girls, Girls
There’s No Place Like Home
About A Boy
Hibbing, 911
Paper Moon
The Things That They Carried
Angel Heart

The Bad:

The Hunter Games
Ask Jeeves
Halt and Catch Fire
The Prisoner
Soul Survivor
Paint It Black
The Things We Left Behind
Dark Dynasty

Okay, your turn! Just like every time we do this, I'm very curious to see how everyone ranks these. The results are always fascinating!
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My list is (a little) grouchy. It is also different from how I felt mid-season where it seemed just faintly possible that some of the stuff from the previous season (or even the beginning of this season) might get addressed, but it wasn't, so some episodes have been relegated to 'nope' status (because they tell the story incredibly badly and remove the believability and cohesion of the world I am suspending my disbelief for). I hope next season goes back to being 'Supernatural' because this season has not been IMO.

Episodes I liked:

Ask Jeeves
The Werther Project
Brother's Keeper
The Executioner's Song

Episodes I could watch again:

The Inside Man
Halt and Catch Fire
There's No Place Like Home

Everything else:

Fan Fiction
Soul Survivor
Paint It Black
About A Boy

Episodes I haven't seen:

HIbbing, 911 (this is just a oversight, the others I know are going to piss me off so I am avoiding them)
Book of the Damned
Dark Dynasty
The Prisoner

Episodes I dislike because reasons:

The Things They Carried
Girls, Girls, Girls
Paper Moon

Episodes I don't want to see:

The Things We Left Behind
The Hunter Games
Angel Heart

(if you want to rank these Alice they are pretty much in order favorite to least favorite)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
difficult season. None of the episodes were great and frankly there was good and blah and bad in most of them. But here goes: Best to worst:
Inside Man
Fan Fiction
Brother's Keeper
Hibbing 911
The Werther Project
Executioner's Song
The Hunter Games
Ask Jeeves
Girls, Girls, Girls
Soul Survivor
There's no place like home
About a Boy
Book of the Damned
Paint it Black
The Things they carried
Dark Dynasty
Halt & Catch Fire
Paper Moon
Angel Heart
The Things we left behind
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 2
WFB Member
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1. Reichenbach
2. Black
3. Soul Survivor
4. My Brother's Keeper
5. Ask Jeeves
6. Fan Fiction
7. The Executioner's Song
8. Inside Man
9. Book of the Damned
10. The Werther Project

The Bad
The Things We Left Behind
The Things We Carried
There's No Place Like Home
The Prisoner
Paint it Black
The Hunter Games
Angel Heart
Dark Dynasty

The Ok
Paper Moon
Girls Girls, Girls
Hibbing 911
Halt & Catch Fire

1st time ever doing this
8-10 mins
  Detroit, MI, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
OK, here goes but if we could do ties the last 3 would all be tied as horribilus maximus (I just invented that designation!):

From best to worst:

Brothers Keeper
Inside Man
The Werther Project
Soul Survivor
The Executioners Song
The Prisoner
Book of the Damned
Dark Dynasty
Fan Fiction
Ask Jeeves
About A Boy
Angel Heart
Paper Moon
There's No Place Like Home
The Things That They Carried
Girls, Girls, Girls
Hibbing 911
Halt And Catch Fire
The Things We Left Behind
The Hunter Games
Paint it Black
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 4
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1 ep missing About a Boy under the Ok list
  Detroit, MI, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 5
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Season 10 worked for me pretty well and my hubby also even more than me. I don't inflict my own issues to prevent me from enjoying the show and believe me I still do have them. Quite many actually. I have been asked many times what my issues have been then but yeah, they are my issues and I like to keep them that way too. Just because reasons. ;)

I like the way I see the show and wouldn't change it one bit because it helps me to enjoy it. I didn't lower my expectations because I felt that the whole season was great in my eyes. I liked the MoC arc because the back story about it as I have started my re-watch has been building even from earlier seasons. Of course they didn't know it then but now I can't wait to watch season 10 after all of the other seasons.

3.06 Red Sky at Morning

We figured out the spirit’s motive. (He shows BELA a photograph) This is the captain of our ship. The one who hung our ghost boy.
So they were brothers. Very Cain and Abel. So now our spirit, he's going after a very specific kind of target – people who've spilled their own family’s blood. (BELA looks stunned.) See first there was Sheila who killed her cousin in the car accident, and the Warren brothers, who murdered their father for the inheritance. And now you.

5.13 The Song Remains the Same

It's a bloodline.
A bloodline?
Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It's in your blood, your father's blood, your family's blood.
Awesome. Six degrees of Heaven Bacon. What do you want with me?

6.20 The Man Who Would Be King

CASTIEL You know, I've...I've been here for a very long time. And I remember many things. (an ocean is shown) I remember being at a shoreline, watching a little grey fish heave itself up on the beach and an older brother saying, "don't step on that fish, Castiel. Big plans for that fish." I remember the Tower of Babel...All 37 feet of it, which I suppose was impressive at the time. (clips from old movies are shown) And when it fell, they howled 'divine wrath'. But come on - dried dung can only be stacked so high. I remember Cain and Abel...David and Goliath...Sodom and Gomorrah. And, of course, I remember the most remarkable event (clips from seasons 4 and 5 are shown) - remarkable because it never came to pass. It was averted by two boys, an old drunk and a fallen angel. The grand story. And we ripped up the ending and the rules...And destiny...leaving nothing but freedom and choice. Which is all well and good, except... Well, what if I've made the wrong choice? How am I supposed to know? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story. (Castiel looks directly at the camera) Let me tell you everything.

2.13 Houses of the Holy

(nodding to a painting on the wall)
Father, that's Michael, right?

That's right. The archangel Michael, with the flaming sword. The fighter of demons. Holy force against evil.

So they're not really the Hallmark card version that everybody thinks? They're fierce, right? Vigilant?

Well, I like to think of them as more loving than wrathful. But, uh, yes, a lot of Scripture paints angels as God's warriors. "An angel of the Lord appeared to them, the glory of the Lord shone down upon them, and they were terrified."
(SAM nods, DEAN looks confused)
Luke. Two nine.

Because of the vast mythology and it combining all the seasons some way is why I watch the show and of course the brothers. I think it is a blessing that I can separate what I want from the characters and the story from what I see in the show, because I can see the characters with their faults and strengths and separately what the story is trying to say. Those episodes I have in the last part are actually those that I had issues with but I value what they tried to tell. Doesn't work for everyone of though.


The Werther Project
The Executioner's Song
The Inside Man
About A Boy
Fan Fiction
Book of the Damned
Soul Survivor
Brother's Keeper
HIbbing, 911


The Things That They Carried
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
The Things We Left Behind


There's No Place Like Home
Paper Moon
Ask Jeeves
Halt and Catch Fire
Paint It Black


Dark Dynasty (Because REASONS! Ugh)

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 6
WFB Member
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Ok, here goes it. Each list is in descending order of quality; i.e. the closer to the top of the list the better the ep IMO. And of course, I can't do this without the extensive commentary. What can I say, I'm a professor, I am used to elaborating! ;)

The Good - Acceptable episodes that seemed cohesive, relevant, interesting, logical and basically well written with the brothers acting in a way that is germane to their WELL established characters. These episodes advanced the plot in a logical way (mostly) and remembered that there are TWO leads on this show who have something to contribute. I enjoyed these episodes and felt that familiar excitement, that old familiar magic that is this show. I would watch any of these episodes again. All on the list are myth arc episodes except one. This is sadly a short list.

Werther Project
Executioner's Song
Inside Man
Ask Jeeves

The Mediocre - Mildly entertaining, basically competently written, not terribly insightful or interesting, bland episodes that did not contain writer fantasy insertion, errors in canon or inconsistency of character, (which is particularly tough this year because MoC Dean was all over the place.) These are episodes that I don't really feel the need to watch again, but they didn't actively piss me off.

Soul Survivor
Fan Fiction
Brother's Keeper
Hibbing 911
Girls, Girls Girls

The Bad - Ugh. Episodes that basically pissed me off for some reason; like the writer just couldn't help but fulfill some kind of fantasy by writing him self into the narrative (I am looking at YOU Robbie Thompson and Adam Glass!) Episodes in which the plotting was terrible, the pacing was worse, a brother got left in the background with nothing to do (which in this entire season means Sam), a brother was made to look useless or stupid (once again, Sam) the narrative was fractured by trying to cover too much ground with too little story to tell (Cas and Crowley), the stories were contradictory or repetitive or canon was destroyed, or we spent way too much time with one off characters we've never seen before, will never see again and could care less about. And above all they were BORING.

Angel Heart
About A Boy
Halt and Catch Fire
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
There's No Place Like Home
The Prisoner

The Atrocious - Episodes that left me gaping at my television screen in abject horror at the travesty I was witnessing. Episodes so bad that I was embarrassed. Episodes that didn't even have time to be boring because they were too busy being awful. Canon trashing, character assassination, poorly written. I want to forget that some of these episodes ever happened.

The Hunter Games
The Things We Left Behind
Dark Dynasty
The Book of the Damned

and finally
Paint It Black. An episode that rivals Bloodlines in it's sheer awfulness.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 7
WFB Member
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I'm currently re-watching the season as it airs. Having seen most of the episodes only once, I'm wracking my brains trying to remember each episode. OK here goes...gut reaction...

1. Fanfiction
2. Reichenbach
3. Inside Man
4. About A Boy
5. Executioners Song
6. The Prisoner
7. The Book of the Damned
8. Brother's Keeper
9. Angel Heart
10. The Werther Project
11. Dark Dynasty
12. Girls. Girls, Girls
13. Black
14. Hibbing 911
15. There's No Place Like Home
16. Ask Jeeves
17. The Things We Left Behind
18. Soul Survivor
19. Paper Moon
20. Paint It Black
21. The Things They Carried
22. The Hunter Games
23. Halt & Catch Fire
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 8
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Fan Fiction (A+)
The Executioner's Song (A)
Inside Man (A)
The Werther Project (A)
About A Boy (A)
Hibbing 911 (A-)
Soul Survivor (A-)
The Prisoner (A-)
The Things They Carried (A-)
Ask Jeeves (B+)
Dark Dynasty (B+)
Angel Heart (B+)
The Things We Left Behind (B)
Reichenbach (B)
Black (B)
Girls, Girls, Girls (B-)
Halt & Catch Fire (B-)
Book of the Damned (C+)
The Hunger Games (C)
There's No Place Like Home (C-)
My Brother's Keeper (D)
Paper Moon (D)
Paint It Black (D)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 9
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The Best of Season 10
The Werther Project

The Very Good Episodes
The Executioner’s Song
The Book of The Damned
Inside Man
Fan Fiction

The Okay Episodes
Brother’s Keeper
Girls, Girls, Girls
There’s No Place Like Home
About A Boy
Hibbing, 911
Paper Moon
The Things That They Carried
Angel Heart

The Bad Episodes
The Prisoner
The Things We Left Behind
Soul Survivor
The Hunter Games
Ask Jeeves
Halt and Catch Fire
Dark Dynasty

The One Hour of My Life I'll Never Get Back Episode
Paint It Black
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 10
WFB Member
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I loved this season a lot. So many fantastic episodes imo.

1. Reichenbach
2. Inside Man
3. Brother’s Keeper
4. The Executioner’s Song
5. Fan Fiction
6. Book of the Damned
7. The Prisoner
8. The Things We Left Behind
9. Black
10. Soul Survivor
11. Angel Heart
12. The Werther Project
13. About A Boy
14. Girls, Girls, Girls
15. The Hunter Games
16. Hibbing 911
17. Paint it black
18. Dark Dynasty
19. Ask Jeeves
20. Paper Moon
21. The Things They Carried
22. There’s No Place Like Home
23. Halt & Catch Fire

I thought the first 13 were great, and I liked all episodes apart from the bottom three.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 11
WFB Member
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How could anyone compare an episode to Bloodlines? No episode is as bad as that!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Summer Hellatus
  3. # 12
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