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  1. CodyMB
  2. The Fandom
  3. Wednesday, 03 June 2015
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This is a long shot, but I do believe I originally saw the video here (years ago) so...

Does anybody have the Supernatural tribute video with "This is War" playing? I realize there are a million of them on youtube, but the one I'm referring to was apparently taken down and I'm hoping there is a slim chance somebody saved it to their PC before that happened...

The edits synced up with the song perfectly, it dealt with only seasons 1-5 and primarily focused on Swan Song. The best part/best way I can describe it to separate from others is during the lyrics "...towards the sun/the war is won" was all synced to the moment Sam takes back control from Lucifer, close up of his eye as he gazes at the Impala with the reflection of the sun (and army man) followed by the awesome montage of all the brotherly moments.

..To make sure this post isn't a complete waste of space since I doubt anyone has this video, I will add this-

What is your favorite Supernatural Tribute Video? (Please, for me, no Destiel or Wincest related content.) There are plenty out there, I'm curious which fan-made video holds the number one spot for you personally, no specific parameters, just preference...I'll be searching YouTube for a long while to find a new favorite for me if this topic becomes something of interest.

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WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
There is heaps of Great Fan Vids this is one I like
  1. https://youtu.be/AK2yRsXSBJA?list=LLo_RBwdJidS17Jqxx6QkT-w
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 1
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks for sharing, and especially thanks for taking the time to look! The one I am referring to isn't on youtube anymore, I remember looking (before there were like 100 This is War SPN videos) and one day it was just gone..That one is very good and extremely close, and the video you linked does do a lot of similar things- The sun/swan song part is almost identical, and the video I am referring to also has the cut to War (the character) just like this video has, but minor differences that I notice...still awesome though (and exactly what I described so kudos for that)...

Does anyone know what the best program to use is for people that make these videos? I have all the episodes on my hard drive and would like to try making one eventually, so if anyone has experience in this I would love to know what program works best, thanks!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 2
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks Jen. I'll definitely check out media suite...obtaining the program is no problem, but as you said- Much respect to those who have spent the time going through episodes. That is where the real hard work comes in...now that I really think about it, I'm probably better off grabbing a notebook and jotting down moments from memory, THEN going into the episodes to get the clips..because yeah 10 seasons (or even if I just did 1-5) is way too much content to filter through....

Anybody have any songs in mind that don't have a bunch of videos already made to it? I am not up on music like i used to be, so it would definitely be helpful if someone has heard a song that has made them go "THATS supernatural right there!"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 3
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