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  1. Alice
  2. The Fandom
  3. Tuesday, 02 June 2015
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Back when we had the Fandom Page, we had a way for fans attending conventions to organize a meetup, ask questions about what cons were like, or just share convention stories in general. I had always intended on reviving that when the page was taken down, but sadly I didn't. So I'm starting it all over again here!

Here's what I had posted on that original page:


Planning on going to a Supernatural Convention? Have been to a Supernatural convention and plan on going again? Are you done with conventions but will always cherish the memories of the one(s) you attended? This is the page for you!

- Are you a first timer and want to meet up with other fans? Are you someone who's been to cons before and would like to welcome first timers? Are you a con veteran and are always looking to meet other fans? Plan your get togethers here.

- Got a con story to share? This is a great place to do it too.

- Got any other con questions? I'm sure someone here will have an answer.

For more information on upcoming cons, go to http://www.creationent.com for cons in the US and Canada. For international cons, Supernatural Wiki has you covered!

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WFB Member
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Thank you for restarting this convention page! I am planning to attend DC Con 2015 in July but I've been living abroad for a year so I haven't made friends in the fandom yet. My plan is to only attend on Sunday for the panels and the photo op (maybe karaoke night if I find people to attend with). Does anyone need company on that day? I'm fine attending by myself but think this is a great opportunity to befriend some fellow Supernatural fans. Let me know by email if you're interested!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 1
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This is just to alert people to the TorCon 2015 project. This is a present for Jared and Jensen. They are looking for fan art, photographs and testimonials on how Supernatural, Jared, Jensen and Always Keep Fighting has affected people's lives. The compilation will be presented to Jared and Jensen at TorCon 2015. This is a chance to give back to Jared, Jensen and Supernatural.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 2
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Boat trip story and some emotional moments with the J's and fans
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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so this happened at Van con. Before Jensen came over a Creation person was comforting Jared. This set up a response from some fans to send happy, positive messages to the J's.



I worry that these "Therapy sessions" are taking a huge toll on Jared in particular.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 4
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Meanwhile a small teaser from Jared during the afternoon panel at Vancon
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
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It looks like Creation is finally putting their foot down. Seems like the incident with Jared was the final straw.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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http://samspurpletoothbrush.tumblr.com/post/128497918949/disasteriffickaz-creation-has-enacted-a-new A perfectly stated post from a fan on the subject of personal stories. Bottom line SHARE SAFELY....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 7
WFB Member
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Hello fellow WFB fans,

I'm trying to decide whether or not to attend the Vancouver convention next year. It would definitely be a strain on my budget, but I've also heard it can be the experience of a lifetime. I've never had anybody in my "off-line" life who shares my interest (passion,obsession) with Supernatural and I'd appreciate the opportunity to meet and interact with fellow fans who are in my general age range (30 and up-ish) that I might be able to relate to. (I don't mean to sound age-ist). I was wondering if someone might be willing to share their overall experiences with conventions and/or the experiences of people they know. Was it a positive experience for them that was worth the cost, or do I already get much of the convention experience by watching the videos of the panels that are posted to Youtube (which are probably much closer than I would be). Is it easy to connect with other people there if you go alone?

Thanks in advance for sharing.
  Victoria, BC, Canada
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
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The Jacksonville Con starts in a few days. Anyone else attending? My wife and I are super excited to attend. It is our first Supernatural Con (my first Con of any kind). Out of curiosity, how overpriced is the Swag at these things? We've purchased some souveignirs online already, but trying to gauge how much I should be accounting for in spontaneous purchases.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 9
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Advice about Dallascon this year? Will be the one and only I ever get to, any helpful suggestions? Even about just getting around Dallas?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 10
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For those of us that may never get to go to a convention. Jaxcon 2016 J2 afternoon panel
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 11
WFB Member
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Hi everyone!

I have accessed these discussion pages a great deal, a year or so ago, when I was trying to decide if I should spend the money to go to a Supernatural Convention, (the answer=yes), so let me start off by thanking everyone involved in this site and community. I didn't know there was Supernatural Conventions when I heard about one coming to Jacksonville Florida in January of 2016. It was then that my mind went into a tornado of thoughts, some of them were questions like: am I too old? Am I going to be the only fan there over the age of 32? are their ways to share hotel rooms with like minded individuals? Am I crazy? I have a 15 year old daughter? Well, I guess I knew the answer to that last one.

After much ridiculous analysis and cruising information online I decided to go for it! I was already signed up for Creation News so when I received the email from Creation that Jacksonville tickets available I was excited and went to purchase. Much to my dismay I discovered that the "SupernaturalSandwich" , (Jensen & Jared photo op) was already sold out! Whaaaaaattt! After many excrutiating months of super analytical battles in my own head I find out in the blink or two of the eye that one of the top things I wanted was not meant to be. So....back to my mind battlefield...talk with 15 year old daughter...thinking ....hmmmm.

At this point in my life, my daughter and I had been discussing moving to the Pacific Northwest, so we came up with the bright idea of purchasing Seattle Convention Supernatural Sandwich photo op ticket. This would solve two problems at once. Number 1 being able to get ticket, (now that I knew to purchase immediately after it gets posted), and number two - giving myself an actual deadline to move, (being that it's easy to procrastinate anything that resembles extra work). A win, win, if you will.

Now you are up to date with my little tale, except of this; Our moving has been delayed due to different processes necessary to happen before we move (mostly financial), and we are not moving until the end of March instead of the beginning.

What does this all mean?

I have a Supernatural Sandwich photo op ticket. Because I procrastinate doing unpleasant things, I have avoided thinking about the fact that I wasn't going to make it to Seattle in time for the Convention. Last week I finally started thinking about it which lead to many teary times until finally I called Creation and asked them about selling this item. The Creation staff was very nice and told me that they don't recommend buying tickets but people still do sell them and to go on their facebook page and post. OMG people actually sell tickets third hand!?? I know, I couldn't believe it either. I paid 299$ plus tax which rounds up to 307$ and out of the first 300 tickets (not including the extra 50 Creation added today), my ticket is #69, which might have brought a chuckle or two in some other situation, but makes it sound like I'm a crazy scam artist when posting to twitter. Since these very discussion pages were the most helpful to me before I decided to share my story here and If you or someone you know is at the Convention or going to the Convention and was not able to get this photo op, please let me know. I'm only selling them for what I paid and it would make my tears a little more sweet than bitter if I knew someone got good use out of these. The purchaser can check out all the rules and information regarding the photo op at http://www.creationent.com/cal/supernatural_wa.htm#tix
I have a paypal link which creates protection if anyone is worried, after purchase I would send the buyer the pdf (you have to copy and take to event and exchange for another ticket). The photo op is good for two if you wanna share the expense. https://twitter.com/wonderjana
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 12
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Oh,the torture!
In August...In minnesota, the convention will be at the convention center.literally across the street from my apartment...I don't have enough money to go and actually get photo op and autographs...so i will be sitting in my apartment staring longingly at the building all weekend..so unfair!
has anyone else had to deal with this sort of thing? a few friends told me to 'sneak in' but i wouldn't do that. Although tempting,I respect them all too much to cause drama there.
Still, It's going to suck,lol. Anyone wanna loan me 300 bucks?lollljk
  Minneapolis, MN, USA
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 13
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 14
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Warning-- this report is really long, partly because I wanted to write it all down before I forget it, and partly because long-winded is my middle name. But here goes:

SF Con was a fantastic experience from start to finish. I wrote this report, but gave Didi and Mallena the opportunity to add their own thoughts in parentheses wherever they wanted to elaborate or correct my errors (and lies). One of the biggest highlights was being able to experience it with two WFB friends, Didi and Mallena. We exchanged emails and had two lengthy phone conversations in the months leading up to the Con, but we had never met since we live pretty far apart. I was a bit nervous- what if we didn't click, or got on each other's nerves? But my fears were groundless (and hopefully they feel the same way!). Within 5 minutes of stumbling into the hotel room, bleary eyed from a cross-country flight and the time change, I felt completely comfortable with these two terrific ladies. Mallena had made each of us cool SPN-themed charm bracelets with some charms, like angels, and with our WFB user names spelled out. It is a fabulous memento of the Con. Just as importantly, Didi brought lots of snacks including my favorites, chocolate-covered almonds. I brought nothing but my sparkling wit. Oh wait, that's not true. Well it's true about my sparkling wit, but I also brought them each a copy of the drawing my daughter did for me of Sam and Dean sitting on the Impala. I used it for the 9 autographs that came as part of the Gold package. Anyway, that first night we watched the episode together on Didi's iPad and, as Mallena stated in a comment, I laughed loudly in their ears because I thought Rock Never Dies was pretty damn funny.
(Didi and Samandean are smart and amusing ladies. They were a joy to be around. –Mallena)

On Friday the Con began with Rob and Louden Swain. Rich couldn't get there until Sat because he was directing his SPN episode, so we were not treated to his apparently hilarious rendition of the rules. But Rob is cute and funny, and the band is just terrific. Shortly thereafter we had Kim and Briana's panel. It was my least favorite panel because I don't find their shtick together all that funny. It consists of endless F bombs and references to boobs and periods, and some grinding on each other, which would be fine if it were funny, but IMO it really wasn't. The F word is not hilarious in and of itself. I'm not a prude, and I have friends who work swear words into every sentence, but those things are not particularly entertaining. The ladies were both nice to the fans, and expressed a lot of love for the SPN family. However, maybe due to the types of questions asked, many of their answers (especially Kim's) seemed to consist of life advice, and it was a bit tedious. It was very heartfelt, but honestly, that panel seemed to drag a bit. That being said, parts of it were entertaining, and being there was infinitely preferable to being at work in Pennsylvania, so I enjoyed it well enough.
(I left halfway through for a stroll up to our room because I didn’t care for the language, either. –M)

Next up was Jason Manns and holy crap is he an awesome singer, with a gorgeous, mellow voice. His singing was fantastic, and he was very interesting and entertaining. In stark contrast to the ladies, his panel had little if any off-color humor, and he was sweet, funny, down to earth, and so humble. The thing I remember most from his panel (aside from the fabulous singing) is his story of how he and Jensen met, which was really sweet. I could have listened to him sing and talk for hours, and his panel just flew.
(Going into this, I was not thinking that I would like JM, but he was really great and it was obvious why J and J would hold on to him as a friend for all these years.-M)

After that panel was the SPN trivia contest, and since I had decided that I was milking the Con for every bit of fun possible, I raised my hand to participate and got picked for the 3rd round. Mallena decided to play as well and was also in the 3rd round. Basically, there are 3 rounds of 30 people each who go on stage and are given Yes and No cards. A question is asked and you must quickly raise one of the cards. Everyone who picks the wrong answer is out, and they whittle it down to the last person standing. In the two rounds before ours, the three of us knew almost all of the answers, so I was feeling pretty good about my chances. But the first question for mine and Mallena's group was: “Rufus's cabin was located in Whitefish...” At that point I quickly shot my yes card up, as did Mallena, only to hear him finish the question with “South Dakota.” Shit! We had answered too fast because we knew it wasn't SD, it was Montana, and we were ignominiously out of the contest. One small consolation is that 26 members of our 30 person group were out, leaving only 4 people in that round. Ah well, it was fun for the 1 minute that our participation lasted. Didi should have participated because she has a fantastic knowledge of all things SPN. She probably would have cruised to the finals.
(Oh sure, include our most embarrassing moment. We knew that answer, we just got nervous.-M)

Julian Richings' (Death) panel was a little later and it was very enjoyable. Unlike his character, he is very perky and animated, practically skipping across the stage. He was funny and informative. He originally auditioned for Famine, but they thought he'd make a great Death instead, and the rest was history. He loved the Death intro scene, but he said it was hard coordinating driving that big car, then getting out and doing the walk down the sidewalk. He loved his scene in the restaurant with Dean, but because he is a pizza lover he ate that delicious deep dish pie with too much gusto. So by the last of a very long series of takes, he felt sick and never wanted to look at pizza again.

After the SPN auction (which we skipped) we saw Osric's panel. What a revelation he was. I adored him. My daughter has always been a huge Osric fan and now I know why. He was hilarious, but so sweet and self-deprecating. He gave these long, thoughtful, and funny answers to almost every question. He was mocking himself for frequently getting caught in the black hole of watching endless Youtube videos, and this turned into a running joke about how he had just watched one about big pimples that were being popped. It was gross, but every time he started laughing about it you had to join in. His panel was a blast.

The last Friday event for us prior to Karaoke were the autographs for Kim, Briana, Julian, and Osric. Kim and Briana were very nice (and Briana is especially gorgeous up close) but they kept their long line moving. The Osric and Julian line, OTOH, went at a snail's pace because they were both chattier, Osric seemed to give a fair amount of hugs, and they were the only two of the nine autos we got who personalized the autos. Since Julian was talking to the person ahead of me, I had the opportunity for a VERY brief conversation with Osric about the martial arts videos of him and his brother which my daughter had showed me a couple of years ago. They are really awesome, so if you like martial arts I highly recommend that you check them out. Since their line had moved so darn slowly, we had a very late dinner at a fabulous waterfront restaurant in SF, courtesy of Didi. All I can say is that she was right about the garlic mashed potatoes with crab- freaking amazing!! Thanks again Didi for an unbelievable dinner. The view of the bridge (the Oakland Bay bridge?) was incredible, the food terrific, and the company even better.
(Yep, yummy food, great ladies, great view, freezing room. Memo: bring blanket everywhere I go. Osric was very cute. I told him I like Dirk Gently and he was happy about that.-M)

Because we ended up eating so late we missed a good chunk of karaoke, but that was OK by me. We only stayed for a few songs because we were absolutely exhausted by that point, and some of the song choices were weird IMO. And so ended Friday.
(I could have made a better effort to enjoy karaoke, but it was hurting my ears; I think I’m turning into an old lady.-M)

On Saturday the energy ramped up a bit. For one thing, Rich had arrived and he is a ball of manic energy and joking. He really could be a stand up comic because he is so quick-witted. And watching him and Rob together is a joy. I don't remember any of Rich's jokes from his intro, but I laughed long and loud. I think that Rob was the butt of most of his jokes. The first panel was Kim, Briana, Osric, and Ruth, and it was excellent. I enjoyed Kim and Briana much more in this panel, and the 4 of them worked very well together. They clearly all adore each other, and Ruth seems to be a special pet of theirs. She is teensy tiny and very soft-spoken, but pretty damn funny. They all got asked some questions, and Kim got more Sweet Life of Zach and Cody questions and gave pretty funny answers about her time on the show. Briana's personality is very different from Donna's, which was interesting. She's much brassier and larger than life than Donna, and I had to get used to the lack of a MN accent. But we learned that she was a trained singer, which was very easy to believe after we heard her in the SNS later that night. Anyway, that panel was great.

We skipped the costume contest and ate lunch instead (hey, we were hungry because we hadn't had breakfast!) and then went to Mark S's panel. Holy crap is he a trip! He roved about the room and went right up to the people in the question lines. He wasn't quite as humorously rude as we'd heard. He actually answered some of the questions, and he even gave some hugs to emotional fans. But then this one obnoxious woman who had asked annoying questions in each panel that day (she had a very distinctive voice and manner of talking)tried to sass Mark the way she had the other actors and he put her in her place. It was clear to him and to us that she thought this was her opportunity to be part of the entertainment and he was pretty harsh to her, although IMO she deserved it. Otherwise, he was more of a teddy bear than I had anticipated, and was very funny.
(Mark was great. I felt a little bad for that fan, but her fake banter was taking up too much time and she kept delaying asking her question.-M)

Next up was the auction (which we skipped) and then the Rob, Rich and Matt panel. Matt was very wired and seemed a little less enamored of the fans than Rich and Rob. Rob in particular seemed deeply grateful for all of the support and love from the SPN family. I forget the questions, but Matt even seemed a bit impatient with a couple of them and my thought was that these were questions he'd heard over and over. Fans asked him about his soap (sorry, I forget which show it is) and his baby, and he seemed nice but less open than the other panelists. Maybe he was just tired. They were very funny together, but I simply cannot recall much about what was said (Help me, Didi and Mallena!)
(All I remember was his running around a lot and answering questions about General Hospital.-M)

And then it was Misha's turn. I was quite curious about his panel. I haven't watched vids of his panels (other than his panel with Jared at JibCon) but I've heard how unusual they can be. Well, he was very entertaining for the most part, but when a fan asked him whether he'd ever considered running for office, he launched into a 10 minute answer about politics. It was serious, and detailed, and it was really not what I was there to hear, so I was disappointed that he spoke at such length on the topic. But when he finally wrapped it up, we had a series of hilarious incidents with crying/noisy babies. There seemed to be at least 3 babies in the room, all of whom took turns crying out at regular intervals and Misha turned it into a running (and very funny) joke. The other things I remember from his panel are the various references he made to how boring Cas is, his story about taking his newborn son to a rave (a very poor choice!), and his revelation that his young daughter's favorite songs all seem to contain horrible, vulgar language. The example he gave was pretty gross. It was certainly an interesting panel.
(I was a little disappointed in Misha; he acted a little bored while doing autographs, and I question some of his parenting decisions, though it is none of my business. I can’t really blame him for not acting like my best friend in autos; my worst nightmare would be a long line of people waiting for me to say something witty and personal to them.-M)

Our last event before the SNS was the autos for Misha, Ruth, and Mark. They were all pleasant but business-like and kept the long lines moving quickly. Ruth is so small, she must weigh about 80 lbs soaking wet, so it was fun seeing her up close. The concert was really amazing, so much better than I had anticipated. The band sounds better IRL than on video and I thought they were great. We were a little bit late and caught the tail end of Kim's song. But we got to hear lots of songs by the band, of course, as well as a song or two by all of the guests. Ruth did a cute version of These Boots Are Made For Walking, Osric did an awesome rendition of Lose Yourself by Eminem (loved it!), I forget Briana's solo but she has an unbelievable voice. She also sang a great duet with Rob. Jason Manns once again was incredible. Mark played the drums for some songs and Rich played base for some. It was really great and the time flew.
(My favorite part was when Mark was on the drums along with the other drummer. They were so in synch, it was cool. I thought Ruth talk/sang her song, but she is pretty adorable.-M)

And then it was Sunday. We were wildly excited because Didi had gotten all of us tickets to Jared's M&G, which meant we would see Jared 3 times and Jensen 2 times that day (thank you Daneel for letting him attend!) The panels are online so I will only say that they were fantastic- the boys were loose and in a great mood and I laughed throughout the panels- quite loudly apparently, since Didi says you can hear me on one of the Youtube vids. I loved the story of Jensen's passport and Jared's Bear Scare App. It was everything I hoped for, with only one crying fan, one prank question, and a few other less than stellar questions. Overall, the questions seemed more show-related than in many panels, and that's what I was hoping for. Love those Js.
(I swear that Gold panel felt like it was 5 minutes long, I could have sat there much longer listening to them talk to us and each other.-M)

Soon after the Gold panel was Jared's M&G and all I can say is that it was incredible. A lot of fantastic, show-related questions, and he was sweet and funny and charming and everything we'd hoped for. One of the other women in the M&G later told us that she's been to other M&Gs of both Js, and that this one had the most show-related questions she'd even seen in a Jared M&G. She said Jensen's are usually mostly show-related but that Jared's are often more personal, including some intense emotional moments. I was very thrilled with the tone of our M&G. I would never have had the nerve or inclination to pry into personal issues of his. I can't give details, but I had told Didi I'd ask her question for her, so my hand shot up as soon as Jared finished his intro remarks and I got to ask the first question. I introduced myself before my question, and in the course of his thoughtful, lengthy answer he used my name and I nearly swooned. I think Didi and Mallena wanted to smack me that afternoon because I kept referring to how Jared had used my name. Sorry gals! (not!)
(He said her name! Her real name! Now her life is complete. I sat there mute the whole time, just drinking in the sheer physical perfection.-M)

We ate a quickish lunch in which we could only babble on about the M&G and how we had just been a few feet from Jared for 30 whole minutes, and then it was time for the piece de resistance, our Jared photo ops. Up until my turn, I was still undecided whether a regular hug (which Didi and I both opted for) or a hug from behind (which Mallena chose) would make me look less hobbit-like next to Jared because I'm only 5'1”. But as I stepped forward, the word s “a hug” popped out, and that's what I got. A moose hug is as terrific as everyone says, even if it only lasted about 5 seconds. Damn, but those Creation people have this down to a science, unfortunately. But through person after person, Jared kept a sincere, warm smile on his face, though he must have been exhausted by then. No matter what the pose was, he threw himself into it and gave everyone their money's worth. And through some kind of miracle, Chris (the photographer) took the best pic of me that I've taken in quite awhile. He's a miracle worker!
(The photos went too fast, but I must have enjoyed it, because in my picture I smiled so wide that you can see every single one of my teeth. Good thing I whitened them before the trip.-M)

After we came down from cloud 9 we attended Ruth's panel, which was delightful. Rowena is not my favorite character, but Ruth puts on a great show. She strolled all around the room, singling out (in a sweet way) people who were on their phones, or who had come in late, and even one poor guy who was sleeping. She gave out hotel toiletries to those asking questions, as is her custom, and she also gave most of them a hug. She has a dry, understated humor that I thought was hilarious and I loved every minute of her panel. The only question I can recall as I'm typing this is what was her favorite spell to cast, and I think she said Manete. Or was it the rabid dog one? Well, you can watch the vid, if there is one. Suffice it to say, she was awesome. Mallena ran into her in the ladies room at one point and said she was very nice.
(Yep, she was finishing washing her hands as I approached the sink. I might not have anything bad to say about Rowena anymore, because Ruth is such a sweetheart. –M)

Next up was the full Js panel, an hour that went entirely too fast. I could have listened to those two banter and tease each other all day. The last panel was a Kings of Con panel with Rob and Rich. Sure, the purpose of it was to publicize their show, but it was ridiculously entertaining. And they showed us some clips from the show that were really funny. They seem like almost as close friends as the Js are, and their rapport is wonderful. Dinner with the two of them must be a blast. Once again, they expressed their immense gratitude to the SPN fandom. They were very funny explaining that it's only to us that they're famous celebrities, because almost nobody else knows who they are.
(The J’s main panel was very good; I loved the whole thing. J and J could do stand-up; they are so wonderful together.-M)

Our last event was the Js' autos, which started late. I was getting really stressed out because I had an evening flight and the lines were moving so slowly that I thought I would have to miss the autos. But then I thought I'd take a chance and ask the Creation woman who was orchestrating the autos and photo ops whether there was any way I could jump the lines because I had a flight to catch. God bless her, she had someone escort me to near the front of first Jared's line and then Jensen's. The Js were both very sweet. I quickly congratulated Jensen and he gave his gorgeous smile and thanked me. Jared was just Jared, goofing around with his handlers, but he too gave me an adorable smile. And that was the end of the Con.
(I never saw Jared without a smile on his face, he was the best and his hair is really wonderful. The crowd goes wild when he takes off his beanie. Sigh. Jensen seemed tired, as expected, but I can’t imagine the energy it must take to get through as many cons as they have done. It was fun that the birth of his twins was tweeted while we were there. There were a lot of people who thought that the names must be a joke, but oh well, they are his kids, so …-M)

The Con was everything I hoped for, and then some. It was so much fun to be surrounded by a couple of thousand people of all ages and walks of life who share my obsession with SPN. Sitting close to us was one of the women with a baby, a cute nine month-old boy. We saw her showing people her Jensen photo op, in which Jensen was holding the baby, and we learned that the baby's name was Jensen. Now that's a dedicated fan! Almost everyone we met was friendly and happy to share information and photo op pics. I can never thank Didi enough for giving me such a fantastic, memorable experience, and for giving me the opportunity to spend three days with her and Mallena. Whew, done!
(I loved talking about SPN practically non-stop with 3 incredible ladies, and meeting so many fans. It was a big happy family and I’m so grateful for the experience.-M)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 15
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Great report. Made me wish I was there. Thanks.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 16
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Thanks a lot. I'm happy it was so great experience for you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 17
Nogadamo Bhitia
WFB Member
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A month after the convention I am still bothered by my experience there. I finally decided what happened should not pass without comment if just to get it off my chest.

I love the show Supernatural, so when I read about the convention in Burbank I eagerly bought a silver ticket. I saved up so I could stay at the Marriott and really enjoy myself. I was there to celebrate a show I love. Instead I left so irritated and disturbed by the experience I will probably never go to another Con and it's affecting my enjoyment of the show.

The timing, it turned out, was unfortunate because BurCon started two days after the Presidential election. As we all know, the voting results shocked a great many people who had assumed Mrs. Clinton's election was assured. 

The disappointed and upset included the major Creation staffers and many of the actors appearing at the convention, and they were very vocal about it. Several of them made negative comments about Trump supporters as well as the President-elect. Audience members cheered these remarks, usually enthusiastically. The three young women seated near me in my row were downright nasty.

I was one of the finalists in a trivia contest. The last two contestants were always asked where they were from and audience members cheered the location. I answered "Orange County" and the moderator sniffed disdainfully. Evidently he knew Orange County usually voted Republican. I felt like shouting, "We voted for Clinton, you asshole!" I was so bothered I lost on the very next question.

At one point the audience was asked if anyone there voted for Mr. Trump. No one raised a hand.

There had to be someone in that room who voted for him, but no one subjected themselves to the scorn that would have been heaped upon them. I wouldn't have.

Not raising your hand in such a group is not an act of cowardice. It's an expression of "I don't need the hassle."

I have read many blog posts reporting on Supernatural conventions. They always say fans are friendly and embracing newbies. I had been looking forward to that happening to me.

Instead I sensed I'd stumbled into an exclusive club, one where only people who thought a certain way were welcome. 

That feeling was reinforced by the flyers someone left on horizontal surfaces throughout the hotel. (I'd post a picture but I can't figure out how to do it. It's on the Fangasm BurCon report.) The tone deafness of the author, who must not have sensed the absurdity and condescension inherent in such a note, is obvious. Trying to be inclusive, the result was exclusive and offensive. If you aren't on this list, you aren't respected because you don't deserve to be.

At least that's how I felt, an old white heterosexual female of European descent who may, or may not, have voted for Mrs. Clinton, who respects the secret ballot and everyone, voter or not, without needing to know their race, ancestry, sexual orientation or voting preference.

The highlight of the convention for me, by the way, was Matt Cohen’s response to the question, “What do you have in common with the character you played on the show?” He thought a moment, then disappeared from the stage. When he came back he was carrying a little boy. “We both have beautiful sons,” he announced.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 18
Courtney Gray
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I am attending the Nashville convention in 2018, and I was wondering if you could ask for a hug during autographs. I know Creation has specific rules regarding photo ops, but they seem, in my opinion, to be lacking on autograph information. (And, if I can ask for a hug during autographs, will I be "that" person?)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 19
WFB Member
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
So I'm not planning to get tickets to go to DallasCon, but I've read that the Friday Karaoke party is free. So can I just show up at the convention center and walk in? And how can I find out what time I need to be there for it?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. The Fandom
  3. # 20
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