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  1. xoferew
  2. Fun Stuff
  3. Sunday, 21 October 2018
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I've been busy creating graphics for my game in between freaking out that I have so much to do for work. ^_^

I finally have icons for every item and weapon that exists so far. I think this will go a long way towards making the game feel real in that the player doesn't have to try and visualize what I mean by "Red Squishy Thing" or "Mushroom Surprise" (it looks like pink bottled vomit.)

I have to admit that until I sat down to draw the icons, I myself hadn't tried to visualize the items. Some of them were liquid, so how could they be stored? Did Sam, Dean, and Cas have Purgatory Tupperware? Well, I only need the slightest hint of realism to forge ahead, so I figured Dean might have a shot glass in his many pockets, Cas could well have a supply of Ziploc baggies -- I remember him trying to give people baggies of honey -- and Sam came prepared to Purgatory, so he may have brought some plastic bottles of water which, after the water is drunk, could be put to various purposes. Here are some of the icons:

Now, sure, you can't store fifteen shot glasses full of blood while traipsing around Purgatory fighting monsters, but it's no more unrealistic than many video games where you, say, find a whole cooked chicken lying in the street, and you pick it up and eat it. ^_^

Icons are only 32 pixels square, so it's a fun quick challenge to draw one. It's hard to make something that tiny still have shape and detail and outline. Especially something like an angel blade that is not conducive to fitting in a square.

Here is what the icons look like in-game:

As you may notice in the pic above, I decided to try a new font so my game would look more Supernaturalish and less of a generic RPG Maker MV game. This one is reminiscent of the SPN ending credits but it's wider and a bit less wobbly. I picked it because, aside from being legible and nice, it said free for all personal and commercial use. Not that I intend to sell my game, but suppose someone wants to donate a dollar or send me a Supernatural keychain or something, I don't want to have anything in my game that would prevent that. It's nice of someone to make a font and offer it for free, so of course I respect if they don't want others to make money using their creation.

Anyway, this font is slightly wider than the default font which means I have to play through my whole game testing each text box to make sure the words don't get cut off. One in six or seven text boxes needs fixing. If it's a conversation I just add another text box, but there are cases where space is limited, such as item descriptions, where I may have to leave out some information. I guess it's worth it though. It gives the game personality. ^_^

So also I decided that Purgatory needed a swamp. Because after you've been playing awhile you may start to get bored with the same old trees and pine mulch. So here is my first draft of a swamp. It's not healthy to walk in, meaning that if your fifth step is not on dry land you lose. (Actually I am nice, and you are just sent back to the spot from which you entered the swamp.) When you step on dry land you immediately recover from all the swamp effects. So you need to pick your way across carefully.

Finally, I have been working on a proper Baby to fit in with the perspective of the game. This had to wait while I ordered a model of the car which took months to get delivered (a long, non-interesting story). Until I got my model, I couldn't find pictures of the car from the correct angles. The angles are front, back, right side, and left side, but like looking down from a second story window on it. So far I am mostly done with the left facing Baby. I may tone down the windows, but they are stripey so that the car can animate when it moves. (Also the wheels will animate.) I left off a few details like windshield wipers to keep the image clean but maybe I will add them. Also some of the highlights may need brightening. Hmm. Here is what it looks like on a random green background, while I'm working on it.

Here is what it will look like in-game. Sam, how will you fit your giant head in the car??

And I'll put a link to the gameplay video snippets I posted last time, but I haven't added any new videos since then.

Thanks for reading!
  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Xzju00h3vst455yDi7_PQ?view_as=subscriber
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