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  1. xoferew
  2. Fun Stuff
  3. Sunday, 30 September 2018
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I know, it's impossible to get the feel of a game with only screenshots. A pixelly, old-timey game like this needs all the immersive video help it can get! ^_^ Well, whatever I am lacking in 21st century game mechanics and dazzling animation, I will attempt to compensate for with lively banter. Yeah, I'm pretty confident about the lively banter. ^_^

Here is a little clip of a routine battle, harvesting some possibly edible stuff, and catching a fish.
Vampire and fish

Sam at the bookstore doing research.
Antique Bookstore

A Rakshasa battle.
Clowns are your friend

This is the beginning of a mushroom stomping mini-game I just started working on today. The goal will be to smush every mushroom. The rules are that blue ones don't affect any other mushrooms but they toggle on and off. A white one when stomped also erases any mushrooms on the four sides of it. A green one when stomped also erases any on the four corners. The black ones can't be directly stomped, they have to be taken out via green or white mushroom. If you screw it up you just leave the map and come back and it will reset.

yay for xoferew, I finally uploaded my first videos to YouTube!
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It is so cool to see your game in action. Keep at it. I really wanted to play it after watching the videos. :)
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  2. Fun Stuff
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