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  2. Behind The Scenes
  3. Friday, 01 May 2015
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Many of you seem to think or KNOW that a spin-off with Claire is in the works. I would love to hear other recommendations.
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WFB Member
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Hey - I see you figured out how to setup a discussion group :) I'm not sure they have anything definitively in mind. But... they have sent off two teenage girls to live with Jody so maybe that's the reason for this; either that or Jody did something to piss off Sam and Dean so now they're getting even. This would also counter the issues/accusations of misogyny that is leveled against the show; just make an entirely new Supernatural show with female leads and predominantly female hunters. Now they just need to figure out a way to have Krissy go live with Jody and they can call it "Jody's Angels".

The Styne family would have made for an interesting spin off, but it is looking like they're being setup as some of the bad guys for Season 11.

I've heard Castiel being mentioned for a spin off but just don't think there's enough there any more; they are already struggling with writing interesting stories for him on Supernatural and don't see that improving on a spin off.

I always liked the concept of an anthology show but think it's too late for that. My thought was they could break up each season in to 3 or 4 mini-arcs, highlighting stories about characters that have crossed paths with Sam and Dean. One could be how Bobby and Rufus used to hunt together, another could cover John Winchester after Mary died, him getting in to hunting while also trying to parent two young children. They have plenty of material to work with about the history/past of the Men of Letters, delve in to Ellen and Jo's family, the Roahouse, the Campbell family, etc.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
WFB Member
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Thanks for the reply friend. :)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
WFB Member
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Well there is this.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
WFB Member
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Honestly they could totally do a spin off for Castiel. Castiel and Claire running a detective agency, with Jody as a type of female Alfred character. In the hands of witty writers it could be good - ie they need different writers - though Nicole and Eric could do it possibly, they are quirky enough. it would allow Misha the chance to actually prove what he can do, because at the moment simply nobody is interested in his storyline, just what they can imprint on the character - and that is at least 50% the fault of the current writers.

I am entirely serious about this. Putting Misha as Castiel into a different show would improve both SPN and the Gumshoe Angel Diaries (I sort of see him as a cross between Columbo and, well, a nerdy angel) Claire could roll her eyes a lot and Amelia and Jimmy could guest star as ghosts.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
WFB Member
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Woman, you are a mofo fool. :) :) :) :) :)
[term of endearment, luv]
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
WFB Member
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You are witty as well. What am I to do with you guys..;)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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I think they could be setting up a "young hunters" spinoff with Claire, Alex and Jody. I do know that the CW renewed almost all of their shows this year, so I don't think there is a slot available for a Supernatural spinoff. I personally think something with Jody and possibly Donna taking in kids who have been touched by the supernatural and training them would be a good way to go. A few years ago I thought a Cas spinoff would be a good idea, something along the lines of trying to re-earn his place in heaven and make up for his mistakes while trying to decide if he wanted to be an angel or human. By now, the entire angel mythology is so messy I don't think they can do that.

Other ideas that might work would be a MOL series set either before the massacre, a branch in another country (Canada for example) which could be set in present time or finding the children of the massacred MOL and watch them get into either hunting or restoring the MOL in a second hidden American branch.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
WFB Member
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I am partial to the Stynes, the Campbells, the Harvelles, the MoL, the ROADHOUSE could be interesting.

I don't want ''the past.'' Present day or perhaps the future. [I could not get into Agent Carter]

Love me some Cas but not this version AT ALL.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
WFB Member
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I'm not so sure a spinoff would work.

I think Ghostfacers was their last real chance, but they screwed the pooch on that one.

The Jodi & Donna idea does nothing for me. It'd be nothing more than a sitcom. Them teaching young girls how to be hunters has no legs (Donna has about as much experience as me), and there's nothing interesting enough for them to do for a 20+ episode season that wouldn't need Sam & Dean to show up on a frequent basis, aside from unwitty jokes.

Unlike The Ghostfacers, the dynamic is just not there. At least not for a full season.

A handful of 5-10 minute webisodes and short stories would work better.

A historical show ... Something that intertwines the arcs of the Campbell's, Winchester's, Stynes, etc over the decades/centuries would be far more interesting but that's a massive project way beyond the budget The CW would be willing to spend.

I do think, however, that any and all of the above ideas would work wonders in comic/graphic novel form. A medium this show has criminally misused and underutilized.

But that's just me.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
WFB Member
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I was alway hoping for more of a legacy spinoff that stayed more true to the original show. Jodi with Claire, Christy, etc. sounds very tweenish and not too exciting to me but hey I am a male in the 30-45 demographic so this wouldn't really be targeted to me. I would have loved something where Bobby was sent youngsters, like the little guy that played the AntiChrist, who we never had any follow-up on. Having Bobby mentor a super powerful kid like that along with others that could have been written for this type of show would have been perfect for me. When Sera burned Bobbie's house down I was LIVID. This concept, I'm floating, which will never happen would require
Bobby's house and his books and all that. I guess the Jodi Mills concept is kind of like the Bobby concept but I think Bobby and all the grit and experience he had as a hunter would have created a more believeable spin off.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
WFB Member
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Thanks, Russ and SPNforever for the replies.

I do believe we 3 will be un-satisfied with the spin-off. JMO
All the great ideas will never be made. Dear SPNforever if you don't fit the demographic forget about me. You at least still fit that ''treasured 18-49'' column. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Behind The Scenes
  3. # 11
WFB Member
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Dear SPNforever if you don't fit the demographic forget about me. You at least still fit that ''treasured 18-49'' column. :)

You're only 17?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
WFB Member
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No I'm over 40, I barely fit into the prized demographic
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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